microformats wiki in other languages
You may read and edit microformats articles in many other languages:
- languages with over 100 articles
- Français (French) mis à jour!
- languages with over 10 articles
- languages with over 2 articles
microformats translations elsewhere
These are off-site pages/sites with translations about microformats. If you are working on one of these, please consider translating the main microformats website!
Start a microformats wiki in another language
Don't see the language you want? Help translate this microformats wiki into another language!
We're still figuring this out.
For now, see the Wikipedia page on Multilingual coordination, and How to start a new Wikipedia for some good general tips, advice, and community conventions.
You may want to start with the list of stable-pages, which are pages that are relatively stable, and have only minimal/editorial changes, which makes them much easier to keep in sync with the English versions, by using the my watchlist feature (use it to watch the pages you've translated for changes).
Page naming: for the translated version of a page, use the same name for the page, and simply add the RFC 3066 language identifier code as a dash suffix. E.g. for the French version, Main_Page becomes Main_Page-fr, and how-to-play becomes how-to-play-fr.
more languages folks want to see
- Chinese: ??? (Microformats) (see source of translation)
- Does somebody want to see a Dutch translation???