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This is for brainstorming ideas around tagcloud formats
See also
First pass analysis
From a visual and logical perspective, tagclouds have a reasonably small number of common components, and largely all focus on the same problem. They are typically
- an alphabetically ordered list of links to a tag space — occasionally the order is by popularity.
- the links are usually single words
While it is possible to imagine other ways of representing tags, like most recent, using a tag cloud, in the examples considered all show popularity, albeit over different time scales. Typically the times scales are
- most commonly, all time popularity
- less frequently popularity over the last week and
- popularity ver the last 24 hours
On the ground, things become more complicated.
the root elements
Typically, but not always, there is a root element, with a class or id value. Root elements include the following elements
- p
- div
- ul
- td
And are given the following class and/or id values
- class=