Please add any microformats related events (specifically, events where there will be talks on microformats) you find here, and we'll add them to the hCalendar on the home page.
Create a page using the events template for each specific event, where you can list URLs for the event, event details (what, when, where including country, who), create an "Attending" section, recommended tags, link to photos afterwards, etc.
If you can (or can ask the organizers to kindly-) use microformats (especially hCalendar and hCard) on the event's web pages for the schedule/sessions and speakers/venues respectively, so much the better!
See also the Upcoming events list on the home page, as well as subscribe to them in Apple iCal or Mozilla Sunbird with this URL: webcal:// and add upcoming events to your diary or calendar program
There is a separate wiki page for details of presentations.
Events in progress:
Soonest first:
- 2008-01-05: CodeFest on Microformats at — Adding microformats to several open source projects
- TBC: London Microformats vEvent — London Microformats vEvent
Most recent first:
For events in 2007, see events-2007
For events in 2006, see events-2006
Other languages
- événements en cours (fr)
Quicktime Broadcaster Notes
See quicktime