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Andrei Antonie, Bocan

- student @ Bordeaux University - France
- Founder at Design Plus Romania (February 2008)
- Initiator Microformats Romania (April 2008)

Microformats Romania

Aici vom mentiona membrii care participa la traducerea acestui wiki si care au contribuit practic la formarea Microformats Romania, care se doreste a fi o comunitate online a tuturor celor care sunt interesati de microformate, si in mod special de utilizarea si promovarea acestora.

Articole traduse

  1. Pagina Principala a wiki-ului
  2. Introducere - despre microformate

Articole in curs de traducere

  1. Reguli de conduite (how to play)

Released into public domain

I agree to release all my text and image contributions (past, present and future), into the public domain*. Please be aware that other contributors might not have done the same, so if you want to use pages with my contributions under public domain terms, please check past contributors' user pages.

"^ Creative Commons Public Domain License, the original at or any later version published by Creative Commons; with either a waiver of rights, or an assertion that no rights attach to a particular work."