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(added 3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition examples and templates for remaining)
Line 932: Line 932:

Chistine d'Aboville
Chistine d'Aboville
=== 3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
<object class="sound" type="audio/basic"
pronounciation of "JOHN Q PUBLIC"
this hCard fragment would probably be displayed as
pronounciation of "JOHN Q PUBLIC"
unless your browser supports the MIME type "audio/basic" (defined in [http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt RFC2046 section 4.3]) and has some way of retrieving "CID:" urls.
==== Example 2 ====
<...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
<object class="sound" type="audio/basic"
...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...">
no display equivalent given, since data: URL from original example is incomplete.

== To Be Completed ==
== To Be Completed ==
Line 937: Line 984:
The examples from the following sections need to be included and their hCard equivalents provided (i.e. what is left to complete in this section of the hcard-examples page).
The examples from the following sections need to be included and their hCard equivalents provided (i.e. what is left to complete in this section of the hcard-examples page).

=== 3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition ===
=== 3.6.7 UID Type Definition ===
=== 3.6.7 UID Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
this hCard fragment could be displayed as
=== 3.6.8 URL Type Definition ===
=== 3.6.8 URL Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
this hCard fragment could be displayed as
=== 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition ===
=== 3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
this hCard fragment could be displayed as
=== 3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition ===
=== 3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
this hCard fragment could be displayed as
=== 3.7.2 KEY Type Definition ===
=== 3.7.2 KEY Type Definition ===
==== Example 1 ====
this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment
this hCard fragment could be displayed as

== Other ==
== Other ==

* See [[hcard-brainstorming]] for more examples (which may eventually be moved here) and analysis.
* See [[hcard-brainstorming]] for more examples (which may eventually be moved here) and analysis.

Revision as of 19:49, 8 September 2005

hCard examples

Example hCards.


RFC 2426 examples in hCard

  • In the process of creating 1:1 hCard examples for each example in RFC 2426.

2.4.2 VCARD

AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Joe Friday\nTEL:+1-919-555-7878\n
TITLE:Area Administrator\, Assistant\n EMAIL\;TYPE=INTERNET:\n

This vCard fragment has one property whose value is another vCard, and could be represented as an hCard fragment with an embedded hCard, literally (with the unnecessary type=internet default omitted, and the implied n optimization):

<div class="agent vcard">
 <a class="email fn" href="mailto:jfriday@host.com">Joe Friday</a>
 <div class="tel">+1-919-555-7878</div>
 <div class="title">Area Administrator, Assistant</div>

this hCard could be displayed as:

Joe Friday
Area Administrator, Assistant

3.1.1 FN Type Definition

FN:Mr. John Q. Public\, Esq.

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="fn">Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Mr. John Q. Public, Esq.

3.1.2 N Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="n">
 <span class="honorific-prefixes">Mr.</span>
 <span class="given-name">John</span>
 <span class="additional-names">Quinlan</span>
 <span class="family-name">Public</span>, 
 <span class="honorific-suffixes">Esq.</span>

with singular class names instead of plural (see Issue 1 in hcard-parsing).

<span class="n">
 <span class="honorific-prefix">Mr.</span>
 <span class="given-name">John</span>
 <span class="additional-name">Quinlan</span>
 <span class="family-name">Public</span>, 
 <span class="honorific-suffix">Esq.</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Mr. John Quinlan Public, Esq.

Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="n">
 <span class="honorific-prefixes">Dr.</span>
 <span class="given-name">John</span>
 <ul class="additional-names">
 <span class="family-name">Stevenson</span>, 
 <ul class="honorific-suffixes">

and with this CSS2(.1) style sheet:

.n ul,.n li { display:inline; list-style:none }
.honorific-suffixes li:before { 
  content:", "; margin-left:-.7ex; 

In a CSS2(.1) compliant browser, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Dr. John Philip Paul Stevenson, Jr., M.D., A.C.P.

In a CSS1 compliant browser (lacking some CSS2 features), this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Dr. John Philip Paul Stevenson Jr. M.D. A.C.P.

Note the lack of commas, which we are unable to insert inbetween the items on the list (since no character data is allowed directly inside the <ul>), and the lack of CSS2(.1) generated content support means the style rule that inserts them doesn't take effect either.

However, with singular class names instead of plural (see Issue 1 in hcard-parsing).

<span class="n">
 <span class="honorific-prefix">Dr.</span>
 <span class="given-name">John</span>
 <span class="additional-name">Philip</span>
 <span class="additional-name">Paul</span>
 <span class="family-name">Stevenson</span>,
 <span class="honorific-suffix">Jr.</span>,
 <span class="honorific-suffix">M.D.</span>,
 <span class="honorific-suffix">A.C.P.</span>

without any special style sheet, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Dr. John Philip Paul Stevenson, Jr., M.D., A.C.P.

This is another good reason to go with singular class names.

3.1.3 NICKNAME Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="nickname">Robbie</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<ul class="nickname"><li>Jim</li><li>Jimmie</li></ul>

and with this CSS2(.1) style sheet:

ul.nickname,.nickname li { display:inline; list-style:none }
.nickname li:before { 
  content:", "; margin-left:-.7ex; 
.nickname li:first-child:before { 
  content:""; margin-left: 0;

In a CSS2(.1) compliant browser, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Jim, Jimmie

In a CSS1 compliant browser (lacking some CSS2 features), this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Jim Jimmie

Note the lack of a comma, which we are unable to insert inbetween the item(s) on the list (since no character data is allowed directly inside the <ul>), and the lack of CSS2(.1) generated content support means the style rule that inserts them doesn't take effect either.

The class name "nickname" is already singular, and if we simply treat it as such per issue 1 in hcard-parsing, we can encode this hCard fragment as:

<span class="nickname">Jim</span>, 
<span class="nickname">Jimmie</span>

without any special style sheet, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:

Jim, Jimmie

This is another good reason to go with singular class names, or in this case, a singular interpretation of the class name.

3.1.4 PHOTO Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<img class="photo" src="http://www.abc.com/pub/photos/jqpublic.gif" alt="" />

Example 2

 <...remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment (line breaks inserted into src value for readability):

<img class="photo" src="
...remainder of B encoded binary data..." alt="" />

3.1.5 BDAY Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="bday" title="1996-04-15">April 15, 1996</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

April 15, 1996

Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="bday" title="1953-10-15T23:10:00Z">Oct 15, 1953</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Oct 15, 1953

Example 3


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="bday" title="1987-09-27T08:30:00-06:00">Sept 9, 1987</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Sept 9, 1987

3.2.1 ADR Type Definition

ADR;TYPE=dom,home,postal,parcel:;;123 Main
  Street;Any Town;CA;91921-1234

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<div class="adr">
 <abbr class="type" title="dom">US</abbr>
 <span class="type">home</span> address, for
 <abbr class="type" title="postal">mail</abbr> and
 <abbr class="type" title="parcel">shipments</abbr>:
 <div class="street-address">123 Main Street</div>
 <span class="locality">Any Town</span>, <span class="region">CA</span>, 
 <span class="postal-code">91921-1234</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

US home address, for mail and shipments:

123 Main Street

Any Town, CA, 91921-1234

3.2.2 LABEL Type Definition

LABEL;TYPE=dom,home,postal,parcel:Mr.John Q. Public\, Esq.\n
 Mail Drop: TNE QB\n123 Main Street\nAny Town\, CA  91921-1234

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

Please use the following address label for 
<div class="label">
 <abbr class="type" title="dom">local delivery</abbr>
 <abbr class="type" title="home">to my home</abbr>
 <abbr class="type" title="postal">of mail</abbr>
 <abbr class="type" title="parcel">and packages:</abbr>
Mr.John Q. Public, Esq.
Mail Drop: TNE QB
123 Main Street
Any Town, CA  91921-1234


Note: the above hCard fragment uses a <pre> tag inside a property value to capture/represent explicit carriage returns ("\n" characters) from the vCard fragment.

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Please use the following address label for local delivery to my home of mail and packages:

Mr.John Q. Public, Esq.
Mail Drop: TNE QB
123 Main Street
Any Town, CA  91921-1234

3.3.1 TEL Type Definition


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="tel">
 <abbr class="type" title="pref">my</abbr> 
 <span class="type">work</span> 
 <abbr class="type" title="voice">phone,</abbr> 
 <abbr class="type" title="msg">with voicemail:</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

my work phone, with voicemail: +1-213-555-1234

3.3.2 EMAIL Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<a class="email" href="mailto:jqpublic@xyz.dom1.com">email jqpublic</a>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

email jqpublic

Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<a class="email" href="mailto:jdoe@isp.net">email jdoe</a>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

email jdoe

Example 3


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<a class="email" href="mailto:jane_doe@abc.com">
 <abbr class="type" title="pref">preferred</abbr> 
 email for jane_doe

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

preferred email for jane_doe

3.3.3 MAILER Type Definition

MAILER:PigeonMail 2.1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

Jane Doe uses <span class="mailer">PigeonMail 2.1</span> for email.

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Jane Doe uses PigeonMail 2.1 for email.

3.4.1 TZ Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="tz">-05:00</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


Example 2

TZ;VALUE=text:-05:00; EST; Raleigh/North America
;This example has a single value, not a structure text value.

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="tz"
 title="-05:00; EST; Raleigh/North America;This example has a single value, not a structure text value.">

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


3.4.2 GEO Type Definition


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="geo">
 <span class="latitude">37.386013</span>, 
 <span class="longitude">-122.082932</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

37.386013, -122.082932

3.5.1 TITLE Type Definition

TITLE:Director\, Research and Development

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="title">Director, Research and Development</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Director, Research and Development

3.5.2 ROLE Type Definition


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="role">Programmer</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


3.5.3 LOGO Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<img class="logo" src="http://www.abc.com/pub/logos/abccorp.jpg" alt="my logo" />

this hCard fragment could be displayed as (note: I used a real URL for the image):


Example 2

<...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<img class="logo" src="
...remainder of B encoded binary data..." alt="" />

no display equivalent given, since data: URL from original example is incomplete.

3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<a class="agent" href="CID:JQPUBLIC.part3.960129T083020.xyzMail@host3.com">JQPUBLIC</a>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


Example 2

AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD\nFN:Susan Thomas\nTEL:+1-919-555-

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<span class="agent vcard">
 <a class="email fn n" href="mailto:sthomas@host.com">Susan Thomas</a>,
 <span class="tel">+1-919-555-1234</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Susan Thomas, +1-919-555-1234

Note: the vCard in the AGENT property vCard fragment is actually invalid since it lacks an "N" property. However, the hCard version *is* valid, since I added the "n" class name to the example.

3.5.5 ORG Type Definition

ORG:ABC\, Inc.;North American Division;Marketing

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="org">
 <span class="organization-name">ABC, Inc.</span>, 
 <span class="organization-unit">North American Division</span>,
 <span class="organization-unit">Marketing</span>,

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

ABC, Inc., North American Division, Marketing

3.6.1 CATEGORIES Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="categories">TRAVEL AGENT</span>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:


Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<ul class="categories">

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

  • IETF

and with this CSS2(.1) style sheet:

ul.categories,.categories li { display:inline; list-style:none }
.categories li:before { 
  content:", "; margin-left:-.7ex; 
.categories li:first-child:before { 
  content:""; margin-left: 0;

in a CSS2(.1) compliant browser, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:


In a CSS1 compliant browser (lacking some CSS2 features), this hCard fragment would be displayed as:


Note the lack of commas, which we are unable to insert inbetween the item(s) on the list (since no character data is allowed directly inside the <ul>), and the lack of CSS2(.1) generated content support means the style rule that inserts them doesn't take effect either. Note also that "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" appears to be two categories (INFORMATION and TECHNOLOGY) since it is only separated from other categories uing a space.

But with singular class names instead of plural (see Issue 1 in hcard-parsing).

<span class="category">INTERNET</span>, 
<span class="category">IETF</span>, 
<span class="category">INDUSTRY</span>, 
<span class="category">INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY</span>

without any special style sheet, this hCard fragment would be displayed as:


This is another good reason to go with singular class names.

3.6.2 NOTE Type Definition

NOTE:This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715
 EST\, Mon-Fri.

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<p class="note">This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715 EST, Mon-Fri.</p>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

This fax number is operational 0800 to 1715 EST, Mon-Fri.

3.6.3 PRODID Type Definition


Note, this vCard property actually doesn't make sense as a hCard property, since it really should be filled in by whatever code transforms the hCard into a vCard, e.g. Brian Suda's X2V.

3.6.4 REV Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="rev" title="1995-10-31T22:27:10Z">Updated: 10/31 10:27p</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Updated: 10/31 10:27p

Example 2


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<abbr class="rev" title="1997-11-15">Updated: November 15</abbr>

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Updated: November 15

3.6.5 SORT-STRING Type Definition

Example 1

FN:Rene van der Harten
N:van der Harten;Rene;J.;Sir;R.D.O.N.

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="n"
 <span class="honorific-prefixes">Sir</span>
 <span class="fn">
  <span class="given-name">Rene</span>
  <span class="family-name">
   van der <span class="sort-string">Harten</span>
 (<span class="additional-names">J.</span>),
 <span class="honorific-suffixes">R.D.O.N.</span>

Note: The string "Harten" was NOT repeated in the hCard, even though it WAS repeated in the vCard (3 times! In N, FN, and SORT-STRING). The "SORT-STRING" property provides another good demonstration of how hCard enables better adherence to the DRY principle than vCard.

Note 2: With singular class names instead of plural (see Issue 1 in hcard-parsing), "honorific-prefixes" would be "honorific-prefix", "honorific-suffixes" would be "honorific-suffix", and "additional-names" would be "additional-name".

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Sir Rene van der Harten (J.), R.D.O.N.

Example 2

FN:Robert Pau Shou Chang
N:Pau;Shou Chang;Robert

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="fn n">
 <span class="additional-names">Robert</span>
 <span class="family-name sort-string">Pau</span>
 <span class="given-name">Shou Chang</span>

Note: Not only was the string "Pau" was NOT repeated in the hCard (better DRY principle adherence again), even though it WAS repeated in the vCard, but in this case since the "family-name" and "sort-string" are the same, we were able to use element conservation and use only one element for both properties.

Note 2: With singular class names instead of plural (see Issue 1 in hcard-parsing), "additional-names" would be "additional-name".

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Robert Pau Shou Chang

Example 3

FN:Osamu Koura

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="fn">
 Osamu <span class="sort-string">Koura</span>

Note: This example, in addition to illustrating better support for the DRY principle, also makes use of the Implied "N" Optimization.

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Osamu Koura

Example 4

FN:Oscar del Pozo
N:del Pozo Triscon;Oscar

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="n">
 <span class="fn">
  <span class="given-name">Oscar</span>
  del <span class="sort-string">Pozo</span>
 <span class="family-name" style="display:none">
  del Pozo Triscon

Note: This example unfortunately could not completely adhere to the DRY principle due to the "FN" using a *substring* of the family-name, and in addition thus had to hide the extra "family-name" string value using CSS display:none, which in general should be avoided. Suggestion welcome for improvements on this hCard fragement.

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Oscar del Pozo

Example 5

FN:Chistine d'Aboville

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment:

<span class="fn">
 Chistine d'<span class="sort-string">Aboville</span>

Note: This example re-demonstrates the same hCard advantages/efficiencies demonstrated in example 3 above.

this hCard fragment could be displayed as:

Chistine d'Aboville

3.6.6 SOUND Type Definition

Example 1


this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<object class="sound" type="audio/basic"
pronounciation of "JOHN Q PUBLIC"

this hCard fragment would probably be displayed as

pronounciation of "JOHN Q PUBLIC"

unless your browser supports the MIME type "audio/basic" (defined in RFC2046 section 4.3) and has some way of retrieving "CID:" urls.

Example 2

 <...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...>

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

<object class="sound" type="audio/basic"
 ...the remainder of "B" encoded binary data...">

no display equivalent given, since data: URL from original example is incomplete.

To Be Completed

The examples from the following sections need to be included and their hCard equivalents provided (i.e. what is left to complete in this section of the hcard-examples page).

3.6.7 UID Type Definition

Example 1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

this hCard fragment could be displayed as

3.6.8 URL Type Definition

Example 1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

this hCard fragment could be displayed as

3.6.9 VERSION Type Definition

Example 1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

this hCard fragment could be displayed as

3.7.1 CLASS Type Definition

Example 1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

this hCard fragment could be displayed as

3.7.2 KEY Type Definition

Example 1

this vCard fragment as an hCard fragment

this hCard fragment could be displayed as
