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Revision as of 01:10, 11 April 2007 by NroJh0 (talk | contribs)
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This is just an initial draft

VTODO is part of the RFC2445 iCalendar spec used for describing todo items.

VTODO is fairly straight-forward, as it doesn't contain any nested entities, and has a fairly small list of properties. Most of these it shares with VEVENT, suggesting htodo be modeled on hevent in hcalendar, and the ground assumption is that htodo should work just like hevent with respect to these properties. The shared properties are:

class, created, description, dtstamp, dtstart, geo, last-mod, location, organizer, priority, recurid, seq, statusm summary, uid, url, duration, attach, attendee, categories, comment, contact, exdate, exrule, rstatus, related, resources, rdate, rrule, x-prop

The unique properties to VTODO are:

  • completed The date/time the todo was completed
  • due The date/time this todo is due
  • percent Integer from 0-100, completion status

As the data types for completed and due are the same as, e.g., dtstart, then the usage should be the same. For example,