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Exemples d'Info Média


(Statut de page : traduction Christophe Ducamp - to-do-fr)


Les exemples de ce que les personnes publient véritablement sur le Web au moment de discuter, de lier, et faire référence au média. Ceci est essentiellement prédominé sur le média basé sur le temps comme l'audio et la vidéo, mais peut aborder les aspects du média statique tout comme des images.

Emphase sur Pratique, Simple et Minimal

Parce que toutes les tentatives précédentes sur ce problème ont abouti à des choses plutôt complexes et sur-designées, cette tentative fera la part belle à la simplicité et en priorité au minimalisme.

De ce fait à cette heure, ce document est volontairement restreint à des exemples qui sont :

  • De véritables exemples en pratique sur le Web avec des URLs vers les originaux (notez que tous les exemples ont pour la plupart ignoré cette exigence, et de ce fait il est nécessaire d'être explicite.)
  • Représentatifs de comportement très communs de publication sur le Web. Cette concentration sur les exemples communs, représentatifs est essentielle. Si possible, incluez une estimation du nombre d'exemples similaires. Par ex. ~10k.
  • Simple et minimaliste. Aussi simple que possible. Allez lire [[microformats#microformats-fr#les_principes_des_microformats les principes des microformats] dès maintenant avant d'aller plus loin.

Tout exemple ajouté qui ne conforme pas à ces exigences sera effacé.

Toute analyse générique sera aussi effacée. L'analyse avant les exemples est prématurée. Une fois qu'il y aura suffisamment de media-info-examples, et nous l'espérons une liste simple/propre de media-info-formats-fr, nous démarrerons je l'espère une page media-info-brainstorming-fr pour vraiment faire l'analyse agrégée des exemples.

Table des Matières

Exemples du Vrai Monde

Notes Générales A Propos des Exemples

Ces exemples sont organisés à l'intérieur d'une liste courte de catégories de média au niveau le plus haut, avec l'espoir qu'il sera plus facile de déterminer s'il existe des comportements de publication spécifiques aux médias, en plus des comportements communs à travers plusieurs types de média. Quelques-uns peuvent être sous-catégorisés et distingués pour savoir s'il a été publié par un auteur individuel ou un service :

  • Audio (Discours, Musique)
  • Vidéo
  • Photos

Les nombres après quelques-uns des descriptions d'exemples sont basés sur les nombres trouvés en tirant dans les enregistrements média chez Dabble. D'autres peuvent avoir des chiffres plus élevés et seraient encouragés à les redéclarer si c'est vrai.



Publication of audio speeches on blogs is often called "podcasting". In essence though, it is simply audio speech publishing. Quotes of audio files are beginning to appear, and publishers are putting up files with links to other audio files they've quoted from. Most audio appears to often have the same base elements as video and photos, with the exception of quotes.

Publication Individuelle de Speech
  • Microformats: Web Essentials Audio
    • Appears to be composed of:
      • title/summary of the recording
      • clickable hyperlink to the recording (MP3)
    • Contextual:
      • (primary) speaker is indicated in nearby text
  • Chris Pirillo podcast
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, media URL(s), description or summary, categories/tags underneath what is viewable, and date. +10k
  • Evil Genius Chronicles podcast
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, description or summary, quotes URLs and descriptions, licence, creator, tags and publish time and date. +10k records.
  • media published from a blog, Jake Steinfeld's Audio Blog NOTE: this record had trouble because mediawiki blocks any DOTbiz domains and so while this domain coincidentally has a name that is not a TLD, it was still blocked in the loading of the page with this example. So please adjust the URL manually and then visit the site.
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, media URL, creator and publish time and date. +10k records.


  • somesongs
    • Has song title (linked to more info), artist (linked to more info), play link (to mp3), and rating
  • Brad Sucks » music
    • Has album title, song title, separate link to more info, inline flash player, and play link (to mp3)
  • Magnatune
    • Has artist (linked to more info), artist description, album title (linked to more info), lofi streaming link (to m3u), hifi streaming link (to m3u), link to more info, link to license info, link to purchase info.
    • Music played in last hour (example)
      • Flash page with track play time, artist, title, cover art. Affiliate linked to iTunes music store.
    • Top 100 Chart (example)
      • HTML page with chart position, last week's chart position, artist, title (affiliate link to iTunes music store)
  • Portishead Remixed
    • Whole page is for one album (a mash-up remix of a Portishead album). Has Album Track Number and Title (linked to mp3) and Remixer's name, plus cover art. Also a link to the BitTorrent download of the whole album.
  • MySpace (examples: [1] [2] [3])
    • Artist pages containing embedded flash players. Song title starts song playing on embedded player. Download link optionally links to mp3.
    • Link to artist's homepage, band members, influences, biography.
    • MusicBrainz provides a catalog of music metadata such as the artist name, the release title, and the list of tracks that appear on a release.
    • Since 2005, users have the option to further relate each of these entities using a detailed set of relationships (i.e. who played which instrument on a release/track).
    • Examples: browse and search the catalog
  • iTunes RSS extensions
    • The DTD used to add richer data to media available in podcasts via the iTunes Music Store.


Publication of video on blogs often goes by "videoblogging", "vlogging", "VODcasting", or "video podcasting". The typical process involves publishing a direct link to the video file within the blog entry. The blog entry can, but does not have to, include an embedded video player. Many videos include a thumbnail jpg which is clickable to the media object and player. Some video includes links to those other source videos, photos and audio that have been quoted. Most videos have the same base elements as photos and audio, with the exception of quotes.

Publication individuelle de vidéo

  • FreeVlog: the most popular tutorial on the web describing the videoblogging process by combining free tools and services (Blogger, OurMedia/Internet Archive, FeedBurner).
    • According to this process, a videoblog entry contains:
      • Direct link to the video file
      • Clickable thumbnail image/screen capture of the video
      • Contextual information about the video (title, description, etc) is usually contained in the surrounding blog entry
  • Video Pop Up Maker
    • This example based on the process taught at FreeVlog generates code to create a dynamic pop up window with embedded video player. The reasons for this are enumerated here
  • Ryanne's Video Blog
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, media URL, thumbnail url, description or summary, creator, and publish time. +50k

Service de publication de vidéo

  • Mefeedia - Mefeedia is the best place to find free videoblogs or video podcasts.
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, thumbnail URL, thumbnail title, media type overlay icon, creator.
  • Vimeo - The Flickr of Video
    • This example has a Title, thumbnail (class=moduleClipThumb), thumbnail URL, Html URL, creator.
  • DailyMotion - Watch, publish, share
    • This example has a thumbnail (class=category_minilist_item_video_preview_image), with an Html URL, thumbnail URL, certain info (class=category_minilist_infos), title (class=category_minilist_item_title), href to country tag (with image icon with class=category_minilist_item_flag, image title set to country name).


  • A few photos online have region annotation and quoting. But as tools are developed that are usable for mass publishers, this will likely increase.
  • Many videos have thumbnails that are jpgs.
  • Many videos use pictures and therefore the pictures themselves are quotes from the video.
  • Most photos have the same elements as videos and audio, with the exception of quotes.

Publication Individuelle de Photos

Service de Publication de Photos

  • Flickr - Photo Sharing instance of a photo.
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, media URL, description or summary, quotes URLs and descriptions, licence, tags, upload time, playlist (set), license, creator, and other capture data. +millions across all hosters. +millions of records.
  • Webshots - Single photo view.
    • This example has a Title, Html URL, creator, licence, link to creator's other photos. Three alternate download sizes, link to buy a print. Link to add as favorite. Link to next, previous photos in collection. Photo belongs to generic category (no tags). Links to related photo searches.

Notes sur les Pratques Existantes

Mary Hodder:

  • We are finding as we look at thousands of user generated media records, that all have titles, creator, at least a default licensing, most have tags whose functionality is made available through the hosting service (the richer the media, the more likely tagging goes toward 100%), Html and media URLs, thumbnail URLs, publishing date, and about 25% have quoting information of some sort (quotes of video or audio, and region quotes of photos).
  • Tags apparently appear at the upload point on 61% of photos in Flickr, and within a short period, 80+% have tags. 12% of users in Flickr apparently tag photos other than their own.

Prochaines Etapes

  1. Add more real-world, simple, minimal examples.
  2. Research and organize existing/previous media-info-formats, with a focus on formats for publishing common, user-visible media information.
  3. Start media-info-brainstorming based on examples.

Voir aussi

  • media-metadata-examples - previous attempt to catalog and organize top down metadata systems generated by engineers and committees, as examples of elements, and includes formats which should be in a separate page. Useful as a source of research but this microformat needs to embrace the bottomup ways users are publishing photos, video and audio online.