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In General

The projecta format documents practical (how-you-can-do) projects. Where possible field names have been chosen based on those defined by the related hCard, hAtom, hCalendar, and hRecipe.


The projecta schema consists of the following elements:

  • projecta
    • fn. required. text. the formatted name of the project. re-used from hCard.
    • summary. optional. text. re-used from hCalendar.
    • author. optional. 1 or more. re-used from hAtom using hCard.
    • published. optional. re-used from hAtom. [experimental]
    • tag. optional. 1 or more. re-used from rel-tag. [experimental]
    • photo. optional. 1 or more. using any element containing a URL, such as IMG. re-used from hCard. [experimental]
    • requirement. optional. text with optional valid (x)HTML markup.
    • instructions. optional. text with optional valid (x)HTML markup. re-used from hRecipe.
    • duration. optional. 1 or more. text (see ISO-31-1 duration brainstorming). re-used from hCalendar.

Field details

The fields of the projecta schema represent the following:


The title of a single project. The formatted name of what the projecta documents.

  • The element is identified by class name fn.
  • A projecta MUST include a fn .
  • The element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hCard.


The summary provides a short introduction to or an accompanying statement about the project.

  • The element is identified by the class name summary.
  • A projecta MAY include a summary.
  • The element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hCalendar.


The person who authored the project.

  • The element is identified by class name author.
  • A projecta MAY include one or more author elements.
  • The contents of the element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hCard.


The date the project was published.

  • The element is identified by the class name published.
  • A projecta MAY include a published date.
  • The element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hAtom.
  • The datetime-design-pattern SHOULD be used to encode the published datetime.
  • The element is considered experimental and may be removed from the final specification.


A keyword indicating a subject or an important aspect of the project like it's main requirement, type of project etc.

  • The element is identified by class name tag.
  • A projecta MAY include one or more tag elements.
  • The element MUST follow the conventions outlined in rel-tag.


Accompanying image.

  • The element is identified by the class name photo.
  • A projecta MAY include one or more photo elements.
  • The element SHOULD use an <img> element.
  • The element MAY use any other element that contains a URL, such as <a> or <object>, but it is not recommended.
  • The contents of the element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hCard.


Describes one or more requirements of the project.

  • The element is identified by the class name requirement.
  • A projecta MUST include one or more requirements.
  • The field MAY include valid HTML markup (e.g. a list of requirements).


Documents the instructions required to complete the project.

  • The element is identified by the class name instructions.
  • A projecta MAY include a instructions element.
  • The field MAY include valid HTML markup e.g. paragraphs or a list of steps.


The time it takes to complete the project described by the projecta. Multiple duration fields can be used to denote time taken per instruction.

  • The element is identified by the class name duration.
  • A projecta MAY include one or more durations.
  • The element MUST follow the conventions outlined in hCalendar.
<div class="projecta">
	<h3 class="fn">Germinating Seeds</h3>
	<p class="summary">
		How to germinate seeds in potting mix.<br />
	<p class="vcard fn">Derek Lewis</p>
	<p>Published <abbr class="published" title="2009-03-28T09:30-11:00">28. Mar 2009</abbr></p>
	<img src="/img/seed.png" class="photo" width="100" height="100" alt="Seed"/>
	<ul class="requirement">
		<li>Container(s) (With drain holes)</li>
		<li>Potting Mix</li>
		<li>Fresh Water</li>
		<li>A Light Source</li>
	<ol class="instructions">
		<li>Loosen and dampen the potting mix.</li>
		<li>Fill 2/3 of each container(s) with potting mix.</li>
		<li>Put seed(s) in container with potting mix.</li>
		<li>Sprinkle a few drops of water over of the seed(s). (Remember to repeat this once potting mix becomes dry.)</li>
		<li>Place container under light source.</li>