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Revision as of 20:48, 3 May 2007 by ChristopheDucamp (talk | contribs)
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Retrait du Spam

Malheureusemnt, tout le monde ne sait pas bien jouer sur le wiki des microformats, et de temps en temps des individus mal intentionnés (ou des robots) peuvent éditer des pages et ajouter du contenu sans aucun rapport, généralement des publicités avec des liens, parfois cachées, et parfois ils peuvent même effacer ou autrement abîmer le contenu existant.

Que vous ayez ou non des privilèges administrateurs, vous pouvez aider à lutter contre ce spam.

Le meilleur moyen et le plus rapide de retirer le spam est d'aller dans le canal irc et de voir si vous pouvez alerter un administrateur en mentionnant "adminhelp", ou même demander à un des admins que vous voyez dans le canal par nom. Les admins peuvent immédiatement bloquer le spammer pour éviter des dommages plus graves à partir de ce login, tout comme faire une réinitialisation en un clic de tous ses changements.


  1. Démarrez avec
  2. cliquez sur le lien "block" à côté de l'une des modifications d'un spammeur
  3. saisissez "infinite" pour la date d'Expiration
  4. et quelque chose comme "spammer" pour la Raison
  5. Cliquez "Block this user"
  6. Revenez sur pour vérifier que votre blocage a fait effet, et cherchez d'autres spammeurs à bloquer.


  1. Start with
  2. Apple/command/control-click the (diff) link next to each change that a spammer has done to open new tabs for each problem. Only once per page though - you don't need to click diff for each change for a single page.
  3. Now on that diff page there are three possibilities:
    1. There is a [rollback] link in the top right - if so, click it, you're done.
    2. There is no [rollback] link, typically because someone else has changed the page after the spammer. In that case, click the history link near the top left and then click the radio button in the left column of radio buttons that corresponds to the last version before the spammer started editing and click "Compare selected versions". You should see no changes (i.e. some other microformats community member successfully removed the spam). If you see any other changes, (like accidental removal of content), the easiest thing to do is to go back to the history page, then click on the dated link of the last stable version, then edit, note the warning about editing an older version, then save.
    3. Something goes wrong when you click the (diff) link and you don't get the typical diff page. You get some other plain typically unstyled HTML. i've only seen this a few times and it usually means the wiki page was really messed up in some odd way. In this scenario you also have to go back to recent changes, click the (hist) link instead of the (diff) link next to the errant change, and then just like the second part of the previous tip, click on the dated link of the last stable version, then edit, note the warning, then save.
    4. There is a 4th possibility, when a spammer creates a new page, in that case you simply Delete it, with the reason given as spam.
  4. In any case, when you're done repairing that page, close the tab, and repair the next one. In the typical case where you catch the spam nearly immediately and no-one has changed the page, you can click the [rollback] link, then close the tab, in quite rapid succession, often undoing a recent spam attack on a number of pages in under a minute.
  5. Finally you may want to go back to and verify that you repaired the damage.