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Cette page est destinée à traduire xfolk-profile

xFolk méta-donnée profile


Comme décrit dans HTML4:les profils de méta-données et élaboré plus en profondeur dans Xhmtl Meta Data Profiles avec une référence spécifique aux XFN 1.1 relationships meta data profile et profil XOXO.

L'auteur croit que ce profil fournit un ensemble de valeurs d'attributs de classe suffisant pour être utilisé et dans des implémentations de xFolk qui fonctionnent. Le profil peut être incomplet et sujet à modification au fur et à mesure que xFolk évolue.


HTML4 definition of the 'class' attribute. This meta data profile defines some 'class' attribute values (class names) and their meanings as suggested by a " draft of "Hypertext Links in HTML":

Indicates a container element for an xFolk entry. An xFolk entry indicates one bookmark with supporting metadata that the user wants to have aggregated into a folksonomy. The xfolkentry class attribute value is usually applied to <div>, <ul>, <ol>, <dt>, <p> or <span> elements. xFolk elements contained in an xfolkentry may be nested at an arbitrary depth.
An <a> tag of class taggedlink indicates the URL of the item the xFolk entry bookmarks. One and only one <a> element of class taggedlink must occur within each element of class xfolkentry. The title of the bookmark is in order of availability: (1) the value of an optional title attribute; (2) The value of the <a> element itself.
A further description of the xFolk entry. Typically applied to <dd>, <li>, <p>, and <span> elements. Elements of class description are optional and may occur multiply. When multiple elements of class description are present, they are assumed to be in document order.
A deprecated class value that is equivalent to description.