[uf-discuss] hAtom draft - utility of feeds

John Panzer jpanzer at aol.net
Wed Dec 28 14:09:32 PST 2005

Mark Pilgrim wrote on 12/28/2005, 1:57 PM:

 > On 12/28/05, David Janes -- BlogMatrix <davidjanes at blogmatrix.com> wrote:
 > > Although not covered explicitly in the examples, my latest thought
 > is to
 > > allow a Feed element to be embedded in an Entry element. Why? To
 > model a
 > > comment feed, which obviously is blog like content.
 > I plan to implement it in feedparser.py when it's done, so I am
 > intensely interested in a few crucial design decisions.  You've been
 > doing pretty well with hAtom so far, so I've stayed
 > uncharacteristically quiet.  But now you're just making shit up, and
 > that's dangerous.
 > hAtom is a derivative format, like hCard is derivative of vCard.  The
 > Atom format has been endlessly argued and finally codified and RFC'd.
 > Now you're trying to find an elegant way to backport it to HTML, which
 > I fully support.  But please resist the temptation to invent new
 > things.
 > The Atom community already had this particular argument; nested feeds
 > lost.

Yes.  Although entry content at src="http://example.org/comments/feed/1138" 
is allowed by the Atom 1.0 spec.  How does content at src get translated in 
hAtom?  (The Wiki doesn't give any details on this.)

<a href="http://example.org/comments/feed/1138" 
class="content">Comments</a> wouldn't exactly match the intent of 
content at src, which is intended to imply inline processing.  But maybe 
that's a nitpick.

John Panzer

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