[microformats-discuss] Microformat for blog-search and characterizing

Ryan King ryan at technorati.com
Thu Jul 21 09:56:57 PDT 2005

On Jul 21, 2005, at 6:28 AM, Björn Seibert wrote:

> Hi, I was thinking about a format for blogs. The issue was that  
> although e.g. Technorati is using a summary, for me personally I  
> can't find out efficiently what's a blog about considering the fast  
> growing number of blogs. So I'm following lots of links that aren't  
> of interest for me.
> Such a format offers a set of information for characterisation or  
> classification of Weblogs.  Thus search services etc. could be  
> supplied efficiently with the necessary information.  It would be  
> possible for services to seek out and use the information for  
> search results.  In addition, visitors of the Website/Weblogs could  
> quickly find out, where the emphasis lay and get the feeds.

So, it seems you're looking for a way for bloggers to categorize  
themselves. Right? If so, there is a possiblity that we could do blog- 
level tagging (as opposed to the current post-level tagging).

> I already thought about the possible XHTML-Listing,

what's this?


> but first want to share your opinions about a possible format for  
> characterizing and finding blogs.
> (sorry for my little bumpy English)
> Björn
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