[uf-discuss] Formating Code

Edward O'Connor hober0 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 08:44:56 PST 2005

> Programming languages by definition have extremely well-defined
> semantics, so it isn't necessary to mark up variables and so on in
> blocks of code.

I often mark up variables and so on, for syntax highlighting purposes.
For instance:

<pre><code class='elisp'>
(add-hook 'find-file-hook
  (<span class='keyword'>lambda</span> ()
    (<span class='keyword'>if</span> (and (null indent-tabs-mode)
             (local-variable-p &apos;indent-tabs-mode) <span class='comment'>; Trust the major mode.</span>
             (<span class='keyword'>save-excursion</span>
               (goto-char (point-min))
               <span class='comment'>;; If there are at least 10 lines with a leading TAB, use TABs.</span>
               (re-search-forward <span class='string'>&quot;^    &quot;</span> (+ (point) 100000) t 10)))
        (set (make-local-variable &apos;indent-tabs-mode) t))))</code></pre>


Edward O'Connor
hober0 at gmail.com

Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem.

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