[microformats-discuss] Help wanted ad microformat

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Sun Oct 16 10:56:08 PDT 2005

Welcome to the list Scott!

Excellent problem description.

I think at least a couple of folks on this list would love to work with you
on this.

Help Wanted could be thought of as a form of "listing".

Take a look at the work done on the following wiki pages (linked from the
microformats wiki home page), and please add the examples that you have
found as well:


In addition, there are folks working on a resume microformat, as well as a
job posting microformat.  I believe Dave McClure and the folks at
SimplyHired are also interested in that.

I'd be interested to see some analysis as to whether a separate "job
posting" microformat makes sense, or whether it is simply a form of listing.
My intuition says there are enough job postings on the Web to deserve their
own microformat, but if they can be represented as a form of listing,
perhaps that would be sufficient.



On 10/16/05 10:23 AM, "Scott Reynen" <scott at randomchaos.com> wrote:

> Job search engines are increasingly pulling help wanted ads from
> other sources.  See, for example, indeed.com, rssjobs.com,
> jobcentral.com, and (my own) disemployed.com.  However, this data is
> unformatted, so each individual search engine must either figure out
> that $12-15k is a salary range and FT means 'Full Time,' or not make
> use of that data.  I think a microformat would allow help wanted ads
> to be more searchable and as job search engines move into providing
> feeds of help wanted ads, such a format could allow desktop
> applications to make better use of the job descriptions.
> Some previous work in this direction happened at leaprss.org, however
> this is not in actual use anywhere as far as I know, and it's a
> metadata format specifically for RSS.  I know indeed.com was working
> on some sort of format, but they haven't released anything publicly yet.
> Having described the problem, I understand the next step towards a
> microformat to be collecting samples of existing data.  There is a
> lot of existing data out there, and I'd be happy to start collecting
> it, but for that I need a wiki account and I'm not clear on how to
> get one.  So I guess I have two questions: 1) how do I get a wiki
> account, and 2) does anyone have any thoughts on a microformat for
> help wanted ads?
> Peace,
> Scott
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