[uf-discuss] Microformats detection in Firefox 3 and Gecko 1.9

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 09:48:48 PDT 2006

You read it here first (probably, though this news has been in the
wild for a couple days):

>From the August 16 Mozilla meeting notes:

"These correlate pretty well with a few of the themes that we're
looking to collect data on. Based on the problems that are listed
above, I'd think the ones we want to get some solid data on are:

    * Microformat Detection
    * Give users control over data gathered while browsing

In terms of Gecko 1.9 requirements, this boils down to:

    * microformat detection
    * full text indexing, easy ability to harvest data from pages and
annotate history with it"




Chris Messina
Agent Provocateur, Citizen Agency &
  Open Source Ambassador-at-Large
Work: http://citizenagency.com
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Cell: 412 225-1051
Skype: factoryjoe
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