[uf-discuss] Microformat for linking to XML source (to replace the Structured Blogging plugin's embedding method)

Phillip Pearson pp at myelin.co.nz
Wed Jan 18 17:03:30 PST 2006

>>>> Anyone know of any prior art?
>>> <link rel="alternate" type="application/xml" />
>> Is that valid inside the HTML <body> block?
> No, but <a rel="alternate" type="application/xml">foo</a> is.
> RTFS: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-links.

Excellent - thanks Mark and Ryan!  I didn't realise that the "type" 
attribute was valid on <a> elements.

Does that require that we serve the XML with the application/xml MIME 
type?  The spec calls the type attribute an "advisory hint"; I'm not 
sure whether this means it has to be correct, or only that it has to be 
close enough (e.g. to text/xml or application/something+xml) to let a 
reader know that the linked resource is XML.


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