[uf-discuss] plays, skits & scripts

Paul Bryson paul at msn.com
Tue Jan 31 09:20:45 PST 2006

"HÃ¥kon Wium Lie" wrote...
> That could work. I'm a little uncertain about labelling Soothsayer as
> a "term" and his line as a "definition", though. (TimBL himself once
> called me pedantic when resisting the use of dl's beyond tranditional
> definition lists, so perhaps I'm a bit old-fashioned.)

Using <dl> for everything is very trendy now.  I can't say that this 
particular use feels very right or wrong.  I was originally very resistive 
to the idea of using speakers in <dl>, but warmed up to it quickly.  I'll 
withhold a vote in this circumstance.

 - who wonders what exactly the example people were saying. 

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