[uf-discuss] include pattern proxy

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Jun 8 11:44:30 PDT 2006

On 6/8/06 11:10 AM, "Ryan King" <ryan at technorati.com> wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2006, at 9:31 PM, Michael Leikam wrote:
>> --- Scott Reynen <scott at randomchaos.com> wrote:
>>> It turns out the emails aren't being parsed even after
>>> the inclusion
>>> is done with the root referenced node.  I believe this is
>>> because
>>> you're putting them in <area> tags, and the hcard spec
>>> only allows them to be put in <a> tags
>> Is there a reason <area> tags ought not to be supported?
>> They strike me as semantically equivalent to <a> tags.
> Well, you're the first person to ask for them. :D

Good catch Scott.  And thanks to Michael for coming up with a "real world
example" using the AREA element to capture a property of an hCard


I also noticed that you are putting the person's name (fn) in the 'alt'
attribute in those AREA elements.

This makes me think that for non-URL/email properties, <area alt> should be
treated like <img alt>.

> At first thought, I don't see why not, but it might require some more
> research.

I just checked the spec (HTML4.01), and I agree with Scott's conclusion.

I'll go ahead and add these to hcard-parsing.



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