[uf-discuss] permalinks for microformat chunks of pages: use the 'id' attribute on root microformat elements

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Jun 22 19:29:46 PDT 2006

On 6/22/06 5:44 PM, "Scott Reynen" <scott at randomchaos.com> wrote:

> On Jun 22, 2006, at 1:54 PM, Tantek Çelik wrote:
>> The microformat chunks (e.g. hCards, hCalendar events, hReviews
>> etc.) that
>> have an "id" attribute are much easier to automatically reference
>> (and thus
>> link to and browser/scroll to from search results) than those without.
> In the past, I've added ID attributes to pages with multiple hCards
> thinking this would be useful for taking actions on specific
> contacts, but then discovered that most tools didn't recognize
> fragment URLs.  Last I checked, I believe X2V wasn't recognizing
> fragment URLs

It's been recognizing them for a while.  The key is, in order for X2V to
process it, you must escape the "#" as %23.

> For example, Tantek has 26 hCards on his home page, but you can pull
> out just his own by running the page through this proxy:
> http://makedatamakesense.com/fraggle/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftantek.com%2F%
> 23hcard

No need.  The "get vCard" link at the bottom my home page already does this
using the support in the X2V code which the Technorati Contacts Feed Service
is using.

> And then I went back and looked at X2V again, and now it seems to be
> recognizing fragment URLs.  Technorati's vcard export still ignored
> the fragment in URLs,

That is incorrect. Just go try clicking on the aforementioned link and
you'll get a single vCard in the resultant .vcf.

> On a side note: as I was going through the hCard examples looking for
> pages with multiple hCards to see if any of them had ID attributes
> already, I noticed a lot of pages in that list don't actually have
> hCards at all.  For example, I remember Neil Dunn once had a nicely
> styled hCard on this page, but now it's gone:
> http://www.ndunn.com/2005/10/7/hCard
> So what's the protocol here?  Should such links be removed from the
> wiki?  Moved to a "formerly had hCards" section?

No established protocol.  Certainly lack of an hCard would be a "problem" so
at a minimum, it would be deserving of a move to the "Examples with some
problems" section.



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