[uf-discuss] hCite progress

Jeremy Boggs jeremyboggs at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 17:10:16 PST 2006

On Nov 16, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

> It seems to me that the following properties might be recorded:

This is a nice list, Andy. Thanks!

>         the total number of pages in a publication (be that a book,
>         magazine, thesis, etc.)
>         the total number of pages in a publication series (be that  
> a set
>         of books, a year's worth of magazines, etc.)
>         the total number of pages in a cited article, book-chapter, or
>         other section of a publication

I've only seen total number of pages listed for books, but if we do  
end up including that for books, I don't see why we couldn't also  
include it for other kinds of publications.

>         the unique single page of a cited section
>         the start page of a cited section
>         the end page of a cited section
>         the page run (e.g. "3-4, 6, 8") of a cited section
>         the unique single page of a quotation
>         the start page of a quotation
>         the end page of a quotation
>         the page run (e.g. "3-4, 6, 8") of a quotation

It seems like these sections would go together well. That is, a cited  
"section" and a cited quotation would involve pretty much the same  
reference structure. Whether I paraphrase a section on page 4 of   
Brian's _Using Microformats_ book, or get a direct quote from that  
page, I would use:

(Suda, 2006: 4)


Brian Suda, _Using Microformats_ (2006), 4.

or some variation of that. Citation standards don't differentiate by  
what specifically is being cited (paraphrased section or direct  
quote)...at least the standards that I'm aware of.

I would also add to this list:

	the page run (e.g. "1-41") of a cited article, book section, or  
other section of a publication.

Which is different from the "total number of pages" in an article.

> At the very least, if we include some, but not all. of those in hCite,
> we should name them in such a way as to make it possible, preferably
> simple, to include the others in future.

This seems reasonable. using the <abbr class="pages" title="20-30">20  
to 30</abbr> model seems to work well. Maybe differentiating how  
pages are being used shouldn't be done in the code wrapped  
immediately around the pages, but in the container in which the pages  
are listed. So for marking up a work that includes all the pages:

<div class="bibliography">
<div class="hcite">John Doe, "Lorem Ipsum," <abbr title="20-30"  
<div class="hcite">Jane Doe, _Dolor Sit Amet_ <abbr title="455"  

Parsers would know that, because HCITE is inside bibliography  
container, it is listing all the pages in a publication. For a book,  
"pages" would refer to the total number of pages. In contrast,  
specifying a specific page in a work:

<div class="citation">
<div class="hcite">John Doe, "Lorem Ipsum," <abbr title="20-23"  
<div class="hcite">Jane Doe, _Dolor Sit Amet_ <abbr title="320"  

Parsers would know that, because an HCITE is inside a "citation"  
container, it is listing only those pages being cited, and not the  
entirety of the work. And perhaps that hcite that only refers to  
specific pages could somehow be connected to the bibliography hcite  
of the same publication.

"Bibliography" and "citation" may not be the best terms or most  
flexible, but it makes sense to me to put the hCite in a specific  
context (bibliography, footnotes/endnotes, etc...) and go from there.  
Maybe this is too complicated....Thoughts?

Another option might be to specify, inside the class attribute with  
"pages", the kind of pages listing it is:

Specific pages cited:
<div class="hcite">John Doe, "Lorem Ipsum," <abbr title="20-23"  
class="pages cited">20-23</abbr></div>

Listing of all pages in a work:
<div class="hcite">John Doe, "Lorem Ipsum," <abbr title="20-30"  
class="pages all">20-30</abbr></div>

Saying that the work is x pages long:
<div class="hcite">John Doe, _Lorem Ipsum_ <abbr title="10"  
class="pages total">10</abbr></div>

These may not be the best class names either, and also too  


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