[uf-discuss] hCard Markup for Office Hours

Jeremy Boggs jeremyboggs at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 20:04:01 PST 2007


I'm trying to mark up my office hours for my online course syllabus  
using hCalendar. My office hours are every Tuesday and Thursday,  
3-5PM (until May 10, the end of the semester). I have used the  
following hCalendar markup:

<div class="vevent">
	<div class="summary">Office Hours</div>

	<abbr title="20070123T150000" class="dtstart">Tuesday</abbr>, <abbr  
title="20070123T170000" class="dtend">Thursday: 3:00PM-5:00PM</abbr>

	<div class="rrule">Repeat: <span class="freq">Weekly</span>, <span  
class="interval">1</span>, <abbr title="20070511T170000"  
class="until">May 10, 2007</abbr>, <abbr title="Tuesday"  
class="byday">TU</abbr>, <abbr title="Thursday" class="byday">TH</ 

A plain HTML file of the page is available (http://clioweb.org/ 
officehours.html). Does anyone have thoughts on how I've marked up my  
office hours? Is this a correct use of RRULE? Or are there better  
ways of marking up this information?

I used an example with an RRULE value from the hcalendar-examples page 
[1] to do the markup, though I have more conditions in my RRULE than  
the example given. Is anyone else working on examples of repeated  
events and hCalendar?


[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-examples#Example_3

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