[uf-discuss] microformats for normal people, like my mum

Thom Shannon thom at ts0.com
Thu Jun 28 10:19:27 PDT 2007

That's great, I think we should all make an effort to test out some of 
this functionality on other non-geeks and try and get an idea of how 
it's received.

Maybe we can start a wiki page to gather this info?

Can I say again that I think this only applies to a small number of MFs, 
mainly hCal and hCard. Unless anyone else thinks different?

Stephanie Hobson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm normally pretty quite on this list because I'm more of a usability
> and front end designer than a programmer.  I thought I'd chip in my
> $0.02 though because this is such an interesting discussion.
> I agree that the average user needs to be able to call this new
> browser ability something.
> I think they will most understand it if it is associated with what
> they can do with it "download this contact" but that we need a generic
> name because they need to be able to understand why it doesn't work on
> all contacts all the time.
> I'm not sure it's the job of this community to come up with that name
> and, in fact, I think we are all too geeky and too familiar with the
> idea.  It needs to be something totally unrelated to what we call it.
> I think including the words "micro" "format" "semantic" "data" and
> "tag" should not be included.
> The idea of researching is a great idea!
> This is a very small sample size but, well, I called and asked my Mum
> what she would call it.  Well I called and asked her if she could
> click on a address or an event and add it to her address book or
> calendar what she'd call it.  And then asked her how she'd word it if
> she was trying to write the slogan for the web browser.
> First she said she'd call it "neat" which is a good sign all this work
> will be very well received by non geeks ;)  So don't miss this chance
> to pat yourself on the back ;)
> More seriously she said she'd call it "instant updates".  "Instantly
> update your calender with this event." which doesn't meet the
> requirement for a name that explains why it only works some time.
> My point here is that she used none of the words have come up in our
> discussions and that we should engage people from outside the
> community when trying to make this decision.
> As a side note: I don't think the idea of calling it "neat
> information" is that bad actually.  Neat implies that the data is tidy
> or well arranged (even semantic) and that it can do something cool.
> Information that isn't neat can't do the same things ;)
> Thanks,
> -Stephanie.
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