[uf-discuss] hatom tumblr theme

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Tue Dec 16 01:57:55 PST 2008

Brian Suda wrote:
> On 12/16/08, Martin McEvoy <martin at weborganics.co.uk> wrote:
>>  Hello Scott I don't understand your issue , are you suggesting that a hcard
>> may have more than one UID element?
>>  The UID element *is* the Unique Identifier of an entire hcard/vcard
>>  http://microformats.org/wiki/hcard-singular-properties#uid
> --- Scott is talking about the definition of UID from the RFC itself.
> There is always the possibility that the wiki is not correct.
> FROM: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2426#page-24
> 3.6.7 UID Type Definition
>    To: ietf-mime-directory at imc.org
>    Subject: Registration of text/directory MIME type UID
>    Type name: UID
>    Type purpose: To specify a value that represents a globally unique
>    identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated
>    with the vCard.
> So the UID is NOT the vCard itself, but connected to the data that is
> contained within it. This is how you can do identity consolidation.
> How you know that vCard over there with UID:123 is the same person as
> this vCard over here with UID:123 Even if they both have different
> information. This is why we have been trying to connect UID and URL,
> much like XFN and OpenID your identity is your URL, which is globally
> unique.
> I will update the wiki page.

Hello Brian,

Thank you for the clarification, the wiki page has had that definition 
for 2 and a half years.


Makes me think how much more information on the wiki is wrong or misleading?

> -brian

Martin McEvoy


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