[uf-new] Microformat for implementing RFC2119

Scott Reynen scott at makedatamakesense.com
Fri Aug 10 12:44:47 PDT 2007

On Aug 9, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Dr Orlovsky MA wrote:

> I. Background and the problem
> ------------------------------
> I've been looking into the possibility to semantically markup
> RFC2119 [1] keywords (like MUST, SHOULD BE etc) in the HTML version of
> some technical specifications. The problem is that none of the  
> existing
> HTML 4.10 and proposed HTML5 tags are suitable enough for this task.

It sounds like you just want plain old semantic HTML, not a  
microformat.  Search-ability and style-ability, the two clear use  
cases I see in your proposal, don't really require everyone to use  
the same class names.  One person could use class="rfc-2119" and  
another class="rfc2119" and both would be style-able and both would  
be search-able (except that no existing search engines allow  
searching on class names, as far as I know).  So I'm not clear why  
this needs to be a community effort vs. just approaching individual  
spec. publishers and asking them to improve their own markup.

Scott Reynen

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