[uf-new] hMovie?

Manu Sporny msporny at digitalbazaar.com
Thu Jul 19 06:13:31 PDT 2007

Patrick Aljord wrote:
> I'm doing a website to publish a list of movies with the same kind of
> data imdb has:
> Director, Writers, Release date (per country), genre, tagline, plot
> outline, workers (those are people that work for the movie like
> actors, costumes, executive producer, sound engineer etc), language,
> sound-mix , country, duration, aspect-ratio...
> I'm wondering if there is way to set all that as a microformat.
> Do you think it's doable or is that too much information for a microformat?

It is do-able and is on the slate of things to get done. We just
finished up the hAudio draft about a month ago. We are going to be
moving forward with hAlbum and hVideo afterwards.

It will take around 3 months to collect enough examples, analyze those
examples and publish a draft for hVideo. hVideo is part of a bigger
initiative called media-info, whose goal is to be able to mark up media
information much like what you listed for video.

In short - yes, the community is definitely interested in getting a
video Microformat completed. It will take around 3 months to complete.
At the moment, nobody is working on it due to the focus on completing

Would you be willing to collect sample URLs for video? If so, that would
move that project forward.

-- manu

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