[uf-new] hAudio - audio-album and audio-podcast

Brian Suda brian.suda at gmail.com
Thu May 31 05:56:50 PDT 2007

On 5/31/07, Manu Sporny <msporny at digitalbazaar.com> wrote:
> There are only two things that are strongly supported by the
> audio-info-examples right now. Audio albums and audio podcasts
> (collections of audio). Here are the options:
> Option #1: audio-album/audio-podcast as a container
> Option #2: audio-album/audio-album-item as container/subcontainer
> Option #3: audio-collection (instead of audio-album/audio-podcast)
> Feedback on each option or proposal of new options would be helpful.

--- firstly, microformats are not a "how should we do this" it is more
of a "how are things already being done?"

Your use of audio-album could cause problems later in the semantic
meaning, iTunes has many celebrity playlists, which are not actually
ALBUMS, but are a collection of related songs. The term podcast seems
very 2005, in 4 years will we still use 'podcats' maybe, maybe not?

What ever happened to working on the media-format? this seems like a
similar problem to DVD chapters, and other multi-media issues?

I would also prefer that these property names NOT be hypenated. Why
not just use something like: media/track? then you could use 'track'
independantly of album/media, and album/media potentially independant
of track? for instance, discographies/videographies/DVD, that lists
just albums and films.

Last i remember the hAudio proposal basically broke down to just an
hReview with a price and a running time.


brian suda

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