[uf-new] hAudio Issue Duration

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Wed Aug 6 17:10:23 PDT 2008

Guillaume P. Lebleu wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2008, at 3:05 PM, Martin McEvoy wrote:
>> so some "meaningful" abbreviation ....
>> <span class="duration">
>>   <span class="hr">1</span>:
>>   <span class="min">3</span>:
>>   <span class="sec">42</span>
>> </span>
> Thanks Martin, I actually went in this direction when documenting this 
> thread on the wiki [1]. I'm using abbreviations I found from official 
> source [2] ("s" instead of "sec" for instance)
Great Guillaume some progress....

> Something that came to my mind is how to reconcile this proposition 
> with the measure microformat [3] (a duration is a measure of time). 
> For instance, according to the draft measure proposal "15min 30s", 
> would be marked up with <span class="num">30</span><span 
> class="unit">s</span>.
> [1] 
> http://microformats.org/wiki/datetime-design-pattern#Individual_markup_of_each_date.2Ftime_component 
> [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second
> [3] http://microformats.org/wiki/measure

so using a little of both duration could be marked up thus...

<span class="duration">
  <span class="h">1</span>: [1]
  <span class="min">3</span>: [2]
  <span class="s">42</span> [3]

Duration is marked up in a ISO 31-1 format  which is how durations and 
intervals should be marked up [4] as apposed to ISO 8601[5] for days and 

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hour
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minute
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_31-1
[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601

+1 from me on this proposal.

Thinking back Toby mentioned something  in an earlier post...

> For people concerned with the accessibility of ISO durations, I'd  
> suggest allowing duration to take *either* and ISO duration *or* a  
> length in seconds, optionally followed by whitespace then "s", the SI  
> abbreviation for seconds


which is what got me thinking along those lines.


Martin McEvoy

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