[uf-new] Re: hAudio issue: position

Michael Smethurst Michael.Smethurst at bbc.co.uk
Tue Jan 15 08:46:01 PST 2008

On 15/1/08 16:18, "Manu Sporny" <msporny at digitalbazaar.com> wrote:

> Michael Smethurst wrote:
>> In terms of marking up acts and scenes and movements and works and etc I'd
>> encourage hAudio to steer well clear. It's a hideous minefield and I suspect
>> hAudio can solve 80% of the problem by avoiding this stuff.
> Hmmm... Perhaps I'm missing something, but hAudio can already mark up
> operatic pieces:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/haudio#Opera_Example
> POSITION is a loose descriptor of where the piece fits in if it is part
> of a collection of some kind. It is most useful when the other pieces
> are not listed on the same page.
> Position can be:
> 1. The position of the track on a CD.
> 2. Podcast # of the recording.
> 3. The position on a top-10 list.
> 4. The physical position on a CD set of an Operatic piece.
> 5. The side and track # of an LP (ie: A1, B2)
> 6. Specified in TABLE elements.
> 7. Can be specified out-of-sequence.
> I don't think we avoided the problem when putting position in there...
> it takes on the challenges of positional identifiers for audio
> recordings. If we take position out of the hAudio spec, we lose support
> for all of the use cases listed above.

Again I apologise. I didn't mean that hAudio doesn't handle positioning in
these groups. It does and again I vote to retain position as is

Just meant that in general haudio doesn't model works vs performances vs
recordings etc. And again I don't think it should attempt to touch this

Which I think means we're in agreement?!?

>> For an idea of
>> the complexity I'd point semweb minded people at the fine work of Yves
>> Raimond on the music ontology (which incidentally it would be nice to see
>> used in the rdf-a hAudio spec):
>> http://musicontology.com/
> There will probably be multiple OWL mappings from hAudio RDF to
> MusicOntology RDF... for example:
> <owl:Class rdf:ID="Recording">
>   <owl:equivalentClass
>      rdf:resource="http://purl.org/ontology/mo/Recording"/>
> </owl:Class>

> I've been thinking about heavy re-use of MusicOntology (which is great,
> if you need to do more than just markup albums/tracks). The big mistake
> I think the MO folks made was putting properties in there that should
> have been just plain URIs:
> http://musicontology.com/#term_myspace
> http://musicontology.com/#term_amazon_asin
> http://musicontology.com/#term_musicmoz

I'll let yves fight his own corner here

> It's so incredibly heavyweight that it makes most people's heads spin
> when attempting to just simply mark up a song. That being said, there
> will still be mappings from one to the other (or re-use of some of the
> MO vocabulary in the hAudio RDF.


> -- manu
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