[uf-new] simple "pattern" structure for general numeric web search

W. Orthuber g51 at orthuber.com
Sun Jun 8 13:58:44 PDT 2008

Hi all,

my proposal is to introduce in http://www.orthuber.com/wpa.htm
defined, simple "pattern" structure (name +  feature vector). Then we
could realize step by step numeric, language independent web search.
All web domain owners could define the (feature vectors of) objects
for similarity comparison. This large working capacity is up to now
not used. Obviously this possibility is up to now not well known.
Currently I am searching for people for working together, so that we
can make an initiative which at least leads to introduction of the
"pattern" structure (and as consequence to realization of numerical
web search). I would be pleased if there is interest in this group.


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