[uf-new] S5 as microformat?

Scott Reynen scott at makedatamakesense.com
Sun Jun 20 13:45:27 PDT 2010

S5 is an HTML-based slideshow system introduced by Eric Meyer (with  
help of several other people, including Tantek) back in 2006:


The basic idea is markup like <div class="presentation"> and <div  
class="slide"> are read by JavaScript and converted into a usable  
slideshow.  There are several implementations of S5, but no active  
coordination today.  Meanwhile slideshow hosting sites, like Scribd,  
are moving away from Flash and towards HTML as a publishing format:


The S5 project is in the public domain, and I think it would be  
valuable to have a central organization coordinating documentation,  
implementations, and potential changes to S5.  As I'm sure you've  
already guessed, I think microformats.org would be a good place to do  
that.  Thoughts?

Scott Reynen

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