hReview examples
Exemples de hReviews.
- Tantek Çelik, Technorati, Inc.
- Ali Diab,Yahoo! Inc.
- Ian McAllister, Microsoft Corporation
- John Panzer, America Online, Inc.
- Adam Rifkin, CommerceNet Labs
- Michael Sippey, Six Apart, Ltd.
Voici quelques exemples de sites web actuels, et comment ils pourraient facilement être améliorés pour supporter le microformat structuré pour la critique.
Critique de Restaurant
Ici un exemple d'une simple critique de restaurant :
<div> <span>5 stars out of 5 stars</span> <h4>Crepes on Cole is awesome</h4> <span>Reviewer: <span>Tantek</span> - April 18, 2005</span> <blockquote><p> Crepes on Cole is one of the best little creperies in San Francisco. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi. </p></blockquote> <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p> <p>Food eaten: <span>Florentine crepe</span></p> </div>
Ajouter hReview à cette critique est vraiment simple :
<div class="hreview"> <span><span class="rating">5</span> out of 5 stars</span> <h4 class="summary"><span class="item fn">Crepes on Cole</span> is awesome</h4> <span>Reviewer: <span class="reviewer fn">Tantek</span> - <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050418T2300-0700">April 18, 2005</abbr></span> <blockquote class="description"><p> Crepes on Cole is one of the best little creperies in San Francisco. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood WiFi. </p></blockquote> <p>Visit date: <span>April 2005</span></p> <p>Food eaten: <span>Florentine crepe</span></p> </div>
Remarquez que quelques-unes des propriétés de cette critique échantillon ne sont pas saisies par hReview (date de visite, nourriture mangée). C'est délibéré selon le champ couvert par hReview qui doit rester minimal et simple.
Cette hReview échantillon pourrait s'afficher comme suit :
5 stars out of 5 stars
Crepes on Cole is awesome
Reviewer: Tantek - April 18, 2005
Crepes on Cole is one of the best little creperies in San Francisco. Excellent food and service. Plenty of tables in a variety of sizes for parties large and small. Window seating makes for excellent people watching to/from the N-Judah which stops right outside. I've had many fun social gatherings here, as well as gotten plenty of work done thanks to neighborhood wifi.
Visit date: April 2005
Food eaten: Florentine crepe
Critique Restaurant à plusieurs dimensions
Some restaurant reviews indicate ratings for different aspects of the restaurant. Such details are represented in hReview using tagged ratings. In addition, note the inline tags inside the description of this review.
Here is one such review in text format:
Cafe Borrone 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, +1-650-327-0830; Food: 18/30; Ambience: 19/30; Service: 15/30; Price: $$... This cafe is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which cloaks the nearby sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a coffee or a snack to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. Soups and sandwich specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. Espresso afficionados will appreciate the Illy coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on jazz band nights.
As an hReview:
<div class="hreview"> <div class="item vcard"> <div class="fn org summary">Cafe Borrone</div> <span class="adr"> <span class="street-address">1010 El Camino Real</span>, <span class="locality">San Francisco</span>, <span class="region">CA</span> <span class="postal-code">94025</span>, </span> <span class="tel"><span class="voice work">+1-650-327-0830</span></span>; <a class="url" href=""></a> </div> <ul class="categories"> <li><a href="" rel="tag"> Food: <span class="rating">18</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li><a href="" rel="tag"> Ambience: <span class="rating">19</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li><a href="" rel="tag"> Service: <span class="rating">15</span>/<span class="best">30</span></a>;</li> <li><a href="" rel="tag"> Price: <abbr class="rating" title="2">$$</abbr>...</a></li> </ul> <blockquote class="description"><p> This <abbr class="type" title="business"> <a href="" rel="tag">cafe</a></abbr> is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which nearly eliminates the sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a <a href="" rel="tag">coffee</a> or a meal to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. <a href="" rel="tag">Soups</a> and <a href="" rel="tag">sandwich</a> specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. <a href="" rel="tag">Espresso</a> afficionados will appreciate the <a href="" rel="tag">Illy</a> coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on <a href="" rel="tag">jazz</a> band nights. </p></blockquote> Review (<a href=""> hReview v<span class="version">0.2</span></a>) by <span class="reviewer">anonymous</span>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050428T2130-0700">April 28th, 2005</abbr>. </div>
With an accompanying CSS style sheet like:
a.url { display:block } ul.categories { margin:1em 0; padding:0 } .categories li { display:inline }
This hReview could be presented similar to the original text:
Cafe Borrone
1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, +1-650-327-0830;
Food: 18/30;
Ambience: 19/30;
Service: 15/30;
Price: $$...
This cafe is a welcoming oasis on the Peninsula. It even has a fountain outside which cloaks the nearby sounds of El Camino traffic. Next door to a superb indy bookstore, Cafe Borrone is an ideal spot to grab a coffee or a snack to accompany a newly purchased book or imported periodical. Soups and sandwich specials rotate daily. The corn chowder with croutons and big chunks of cheese goes especially well with a freshly toasted mini-baguette. Evenings are often crowded and may require sharing a table with a perfect stranger. Espresso afficionados will appreciate the Illy coffee. Noise levels can vary from peaceful in the late mornings to nearly overwhelming on jazz band nights.
Review (hReview v0.2) by anonymous, April 28th, 2005.
Critique de Produit
Voici un exemple de critique de produit :
<div> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Album cover photo: The Postal Service: Give Up." /> The Postal Service: Give Up</a> <blockquote><p> "The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..." </p><p> "Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too... </p></blockquote> (*****) </div>
Adding hReview to this review is also quite simple, but in this case requires a few more elements for the rating and reviewer which are required by hReview:
<div class="hreview"> <a class="item url" href=""> <img src="" alt="Album cover photo: The Postal Service: Give Up. " class="photo" /> <span class="fn">The Postal Service: Give Up</span></a> <blockquote class="description"><p> "The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..." </p><p> "Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too... </p></blockquote> (<abbr class="rating" title="5">*****</abbr>) <p class="reviewer vcard">Review by <a class="url fn" href="">Adam Rifkin</a>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="200502">February 2005</abbr> </p> </div>
Et cette hReview pourrait se présenter comme suit :
[Album cover photo: ]
[The Postal Service:]
[ Give Up ]
The Postal Service: Give Up
"The people thought they were just being rewarded for treating others as they like to be treated, for obeying stop signs and curing diseases, for mailing letters with the address of the sender... Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in..."
"Nothing Better" is a great track on this album, too...
Review by Adam Rifkin, February 2005.
Critique de film
Pour finir, voici un exemple de critique de film.
<div> <span>anonymous, April 18th, 2005</span> <div> <a lang="zh" href=""> Ying Xiong (<span lang="en">HERO</span>) </a> </div> <div>Rating: 4 out of 5</div> <blockquote><p> This movie has great visuals and music. </p></blockquote> </div>
Avec hReview:
<div class="hreview"> <span class="reviewer"> <span class="fn">anonymous</span>, <abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20050418">April 18th, 2005</abbr> </span> <div class="item"> <a lang="zh" class="url fn" href=""> Ying Xiong (<span lang="en">HERO</span>) </a> </div> <div>Rating: <span class="rating">4</span> out of 5</div> <blockquote class="description"><p> This movie has great music and visuals. </p></blockquote> </div>
Qui pourrait être présentée comme ça :
anonymous, April 18th, 2005
Ying Xiong (HERO)
Rating: 4 out of 5
This movie has great music and visuals.
Exemples dans la jungle
Cette section est informative.
Les sites suivants ont publié des hReviews, et de ce fait un endroit idéal pour quiconque veut démarrer pour trouver des exemples dans la jungle, afin d'essayer de parser, indexer, organiser, etc. Si vous publiez des hReviews sur vos propres pages, sentez-vous libre de les ajouter en haut de la liste. Une fois que la liste deviendra trop grosse nous produirons une page wiki séparée.
- Peter Westwood has written an hReview of Blubeckers Hampton Court
- Dougal has published an hReview of Wolfgang Puck’s Gourmet French Vanilla Latte.
- Dinnerbuzz is a great site for posting tagged reviews of restaurants, and they publish and summarize all their reviews in hReview!
- Bryce Glass posted an hReview of the Uniden ELBT 595 Bluetooth Cordless Phone.
- dda posted an hReview of hReview :)
- An hReview of Caffè Camardo coffee.
- Douglas Clifton posted comments regarding adapting his list of ~800 Developer Resources as a format for evaluating hReview.
- Oliver Brown has announced that his (which reviews websites) publishes its reviews using hReview, e.g. here is the review on for
- Phillip Pearson is publishing hReviews in the RSS feed of cafe reviews on his kiwi coffee review site, which of course has the reviews in HTML with embedded hReview markup as well.
- Kjell is publishing his link blog as a list of hReviews.
- Kevin Marks has published two hReviews and used unicode "star" characters for his ratings!
- JamesStewart is publishing hReviews in the location pages at his Grand Rapids WiFi site.
- Soldier Ant has reviewed a cordless phone.
- Paul Livingstone uses hreview to voice his opinion on books, movies and music.
Voir aussi
- hReview
- hReview-aggregate - microformat pour spécifier l'information résumée provenant d'une collection d'avis sur un produit ou service
- hReview creator (feedback) - créer votre propre hReview.
- hReview publication - apprendre comment ajouter du balisage hReview à votre information de contact existante
- hReview brainstorming - idées pour améliorer hReview
- antisèche hReview - propriétés hReview
- hReview exemples dans la jungle - une liste en cours de sites web qui utilisent hReview.
- hReview FAQ - Si vous avez des questions à propos de hReview, regardez ici, et si vous ne trouvez pas de réponses, ajoutez vos questions !
- hReview feedback - Réactions bienvenues !
- hReview implementations - les sites web ou outils qui soit génèrent ou parsent les hReviews.
- hReview problématiques - Ajoutez svp toutes les problématiques avec la spécification sur la page problématiques
- hReview parsage - Détails normatifs sur la manière de parser les hReviews.
- hReview profil - Le profil XMDP pour hReview
- hReview tests - une page wiki avec de véritables hReviews embarquées pour essayer le parsage.
- hReview soutien - encourager les autres à utiliser hReview.
- exemples de critiques
- formats de critiques
- brainstorming critiques - l'endroit où nous avons brainstormé sur les formats de critiques avant d'en venir à hReview.
- currency - proposition pour baliser les montants en argent (par ex. les prix d'items critiqués)
- Aggregate reviews - examples - formats - brainstorming