This page was prematurely created and does not follow the microformats process. If you are the creator of this page, please join the discussion on the microformats irc channel, and ask for help with the microformats process. You may also request help on the microformats-new discussion list.
- This issue appears to have been resolved at: is this correct?
- The write-ups of ecolabel-examples, ecolabel-formats, ecolabel-brainstorming are necessary steps in the process, but not sufficient. Please join the discussion on irc or microformats-new discussion list and request help with researching and developing a new microformat - the steps that have been taken so far will definitely help make a case. - Tantek 03:38, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
It's difficult to authenticate eco-friendly goods and services online.
- The proposed solution below is not a solution to the above problem. The proposed solution offers a mechanism by which a service can claim an eco-friendly label, but no way of authenticating that claim.
Proposed Solution
It is premature to propose any brainstormed solution without first at a minimum per the process creating pages to research and collect ecolabel-examples and ecolabel-formats. Only then should proposals be drafted on a ecolabel-brainstorming page.
We are interested in establishing "rel-ecolabel" as a way of identifying ecolabelled (and thus eco-friendly) items (where item = ecolabel certified unit including products, services, companies, land, or any other thing that can be certified eco-friendly) on the World Wide Web.
Definition of an ecolabel:
This section should be moved to a separate page like ecolabel-examples.
previous formats
This section should be moved to a separate page like ecolabel-formats.
This section should be moved to a separate page like ecolabel-brainstorming.