
From Microformats Wiki
Revision as of 23:20, 9 July 2007 by Tantek (talk | contribs) (add related to how-to-play, customizations)
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Microformats wiki pages naming conventions

All pages on this wiki should follow these naming conventions:

  1. All lowercase.
  2. Dashes between words.
  3. XMDP profile pages for microformat specs should be named with the name of the spec, followed by "-profile"
  4. Avoid any use of hierarchy "/"*
  5. US English spelling (for English pages)

Any violations will be deleted (or moved).

See the related (but differently applicable) naming-principles for how we figure out how to name microformats themselves and microformats properties.

* The only exceptions to the no hiearchy rule are the rest and events pages/spaces. REST is for a completely different subset of microformats related discussions, and events is either an arbitrary exception or a bit of an experiment.


See mediawiki-customization for brief notes on how the microformats wiki is different from a "typical" MediaWiki install, in many ways to help with how-to-play and naming-conventions.