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XOXO Sample Code - Java
- this is sub-page of xoxo-sample-code
/* * Copyright 2005 Robert Sayre * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Portions of this code are derived from the Apache-licensed Python XOXO * module by Kevin Marks. <http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo-sample-code> */ package org.atompub.draft.xoxo; import java.util.*; public class XOXOWriter { public String[] attrs = {"title","rel","type"}; public String makeXOXO(List struct, String className){ return makeXOXO(struct, className, 0, true); } public String makeXOXO(List struct, String className, boolean doNSDeclaration){ return makeXOXO(struct, className, 0, doNSDeclaration); } public String makeXOXO(List struct){ return makeXOXO(struct, "xoxo", 0, true); } public String makeXOXO(Object struct, int depth){ return makeXOXO(struct, null, 0, false); } public String makeXOXO(Object struct, String className, int depth, boolean doNSDeclaration){ if(struct == null) return ""; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if(struct instanceof Object[]){ struct = Arrays.asList((Object[]) struct); } if(struct instanceof List){ sb.append("<ol"); if(doNSDeclaration) sb.append(" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\""); if(className != null){ sb.append(" class=\""); sb.append(className); sb.append("\""); } sb.append(">"); } if(struct instanceof Map){ Map d = new LinkedHashMap((Map) struct); if(d.containsKey("url")){ sb.append("<a href=\"" + d.get("url") + "\" "); Object text; if(d.containsKey("text")){ text = d.get("text"); }else if(d.containsKey("title")){ text = d.get("title"); }else{ text = d.get("url"); } for(int i=0; i<attrs.length; i++){ String xVal = makeXOXO(d.get(attrs[i]),depth+1); if(xVal != null && !xVal.equals("")){ sb.append(attrs[i] + "=\"" + xVal + "\" "); } d.remove(attrs[i]); } sb.append(">" + makeXOXO(text, depth+1) + "</a>"); d.remove("text"); d.remove("url"); } if(!d.isEmpty()){ sb.append("<dl>"); for(Iterator i = d.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)i.next(); String ddVal = makeXOXO(entry.getValue(),depth+1); sb.append("<dt>" + entry.getKey() + "</dt>"); sb.append("<dd>" + ddVal + "</dd>"); } sb.append("</dl>"); } }else if(struct instanceof List){ List l = (List) struct; for(Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ Object item = i.next(); sb.append("<li>" + makeXOXO(item,depth+1) + "</li>"); } sb.append("</ol>"); }else{ sb.append(struct); } return sb.toString(); } public String toXOXO(List struct){ return toXOXO(struct, false, null); } public String toXOXO(Object struct){ List alist = new ArrayList(); alist.add(struct); return toXOXO(alist); } public String toXOXO(Object struct, boolean addHTMLWrapper, String cssUrl){ List alist = new ArrayList(); alist.add(struct); return toXOXO(alist, addHTMLWrapper, cssUrl); } public String toXOXO(List struct, boolean addHTMLWrapper, String cssUrl){ String startHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD" + "XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\n" + "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/" + "xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" + "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" + "<head>"; if(addHTMLWrapper){ String s = startHTML; if(cssUrl != null){ s += "<style type=\"text/css\">@import \"" + cssUrl + "\";</style>"; } s += "</head><body>" + makeXOXO(struct, "xoxo", false) + "</body></html>"; return s; }else{ return makeXOXO(struct, "xoxo"); } } }
This needs some small additions to handle the XHTML DTD and named character entities.
/* * Copyright 2005 Robert Sayre * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Portions of this code are derived from the Apache-licensed Python XOXO * module by Kevin Marks. <http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo-sample-code> */ package org.atompub.draft.xoxo; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import java.util.*; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.IOException; public class XOXOParser extends DefaultHandler { protected String XHTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; protected List elStack; protected Map listEls; public List structs; public List xoStack; public List textStack; public XOXOParser() { reset(); } protected void pushStruct(Object struct){ if(struct instanceof Map && !((Map) struct).isEmpty() && structs.get(structs.size()-1) instanceof Map && ((Map) struct).containsKey("url")){ // put back the <a>-made one for extra defs xoStack.add(structs.get(structs.size()-1)); }else{ structs.add(struct); xoStack.add(struct); } } public void startElement(String nsUri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts){ // bounce non-XHTML elements if(nsUri.equals(XHTML_NS)){ elStack.add(localName); }else{ elStack.add("foo"); return; } if(localName.equals("a")){ Map attmap = new LinkedHashMap(); int len = atts.getLength(); for(int i=0; i<len; i++){ attmap.put(atts.getQName(i),atts.getValue(i)); } if(attmap.containsKey("href")){ attmap.put("url",attmap.get("href")); attmap.remove("href"); } pushStruct(attmap); textStack.add(""); }else if(localName.equals("dl")){ pushStruct(new LinkedHashMap()); }else if(localName.equals("ol")){ pushStruct(new ArrayList()); }else if(localName.equals("ul")){ pushStruct(new ArrayList()); }else if(localName.equals("li")){ textStack.add(""); }else if(localName.equals("dt")){ textStack.add(""); }else if(localName.equals("dd")){ textStack.add(""); } } public void endElement(String nsUri, String localName, String qName){ elStack.remove(elStack.size()-1); // bounce non-XHTML elements if(nsUri != XHTML_NS){ return; } if(localName.equals("a")){ String val = (String) textStack.remove(textStack.size()-1); if (val.length() > 0){ Map defs = (Map) xoStack.get(xoStack.size()-1); String defVal = (String) defs.get("title"); if(defVal != null && val.equals(defVal)){ val = ""; } defVal = (String) defs.get("url"); if(defVal != null && val.equals(defVal)){ val = ""; } if(val.length() > 0){ defs.put("text",val); } } xoStack.remove(xoStack.size()-1); }else if(localName.equals("dl")){ xoStack.remove(xoStack.size()-1); }else if(localName.equals("ol")){ xoStack.remove(xoStack.size()-1); }else if(localName.equals("ul")){ xoStack.remove(xoStack.size()-1); }else if(localName.equals("li")){ Object val = textStack.remove(textStack.size()-1); List last = (List) xoStack.get(xoStack.size()-1); if(structs.get(structs.size()-1) != last){ val = structs.remove(structs.size()-1); } last.add(val); }else if(localName.equals("dd")){ Object val = textStack.remove(textStack.size()-1); Object key = textStack.remove(textStack.size()-1); Map last = (Map) xoStack.get(xoStack.size()-1); if(structs.get(structs.size()-1) != last){ val = structs.remove(structs.size()-1); } last.put(key,val); } } public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length){ if(!xoStack.isEmpty() && !listEls.containsKey(elStack.get(elStack.size()-1))){ String text = (String) textStack.get(textStack.size()-1); String test = new String(ch,start,length); textStack.set(textStack.size()-1,text+test); } } public Object parse(String s) throws SAXException, IOException{ return parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(s))); } public Object parse(InputStream is) throws SAXException, IOException { return parse(new InputSource(is)); } public Object parse(InputSource in) throws SAXException, IOException { XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); parser.setContentHandler(this); parser.parse(in); List returnList = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator i = this.structs.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ Object thing = i.next(); if(thing != null){ returnList.add(thing); } } while(returnList.size()==1){ if(returnList.get(0) instanceof List){ returnList = (List) returnList.get(0); }else{ reset(); return returnList.get(0); } } reset(); return returnList; } protected void reset(){ elStack = new ArrayList(); listEls = new HashMap(); structs = new ArrayList(); xoStack = new ArrayList(); textStack = new ArrayList(); listEls.put("ol","ol"); listEls.put("ul","ul"); listEls.put("dl","dl"); } }
/* * Copyright 2005 Robert Sayre * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Portions of this code are derived from the Apache-licensed Python XOXO * module by Kevin Marks. <http://microformats.org/wiki/xoxo-sample-code> */ package org.atompub.draft.xoxo.tests; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.textui.TestRunner; import org.atompub.draft.xoxo.XOXOWriter; import org.atompub.draft.xoxo.XOXOParser; import java.util.*; public class XOXOTest extends TestCase { public static void main(String[] args) { new TestRunner().doRun(new TestSuite(XOXOTest.class)); } String XHTML_DEC = "xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" "; public String simpleListHTML = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "<li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ol>"; public void testSimpleList(){ String [] numbers = {"1","2","3"}; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(simpleListHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(Arrays.asList(numbers))); } public void testStringIntegerList(){ Object[] numbers = {new Integer(1),"2","3"}; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(simpleListHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(Arrays.asList(numbers))); } public String nestedListHTML = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\"><li>1</li><li>" + "<ol><li>2</li><li>3</li></ol></li></ol>"; public void testNestedList(){ Object[] arr = {"2","3"}; Object[] nested = {"1",Arrays.asList(arr)}; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(nestedListHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(Arrays.asList(nested))); } public void testNestedArray(){ Object[] arr = {"2","3"}; Object[] nested = {"1",arr}; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(nestedListHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(Arrays.asList(nested))); } public String dictHTML = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "<li><dl><dt>test</dt><dd>1</dd><dt>name</dt>" + "<dd>Kevin</dd></dl></li></ol>"; public void testDictionary(){ Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("test", new Integer(1)); dict.put("name", "Kevin"); XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(dictHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(dict)); } public String singleHTML = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "<li>test</li></ol>"; public void testSingleItem(){ String item = "test"; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(singleHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(item)); } public void testWrapDiffers(){ String item = "test"; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); String nowrap = xoxo.toXOXO(item); Object[] itemArr = {item}; String wrap = xoxo.toXOXO(Arrays.asList(itemArr),true,null); assertFalse(wrap.equals(nowrap)); } String startHTML = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD" + "XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\n" + "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/" + "xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" + "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" + "<head></head><body>"; public String singleWrapHTML = "<ol " + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "<li>test</li></ol>"; public String endHTML = "</body></html>"; public void testWrapSingleItem(){ String item = "test"; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); assertEquals(startHTML + singleWrapHTML + endHTML, xoxo.toXOXO(item,true,null)); } public void testXOXOParser(){ XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); try{ parser.parse(dictHTML); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testDictRoundTrip(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("test", "1"); dict.put("name", "Kevin"); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testListRoundTrip(){ Object[] obj = {"1","2","3"}; List testList = Arrays.asList(obj); XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(testList); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); try{ Object newList = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(testList,newList); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testListOfDictsRoundTrip(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("test", "1"); dict.put("name", "Kevin"); Map dict2 = new LinkedHashMap(); dict2.put("one", "two"); dict2.put("three", "four"); dict2.put("five", "six"); Object[] obj = {"1",dict,dict2}; List testList = Arrays.asList(obj); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(testList); try{ Object newList = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(testList,newList); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testListOfListsRoundTrip(){ Object[] list1 = {"1","2","3"}; Object[] list2 = {"4","5","6", Arrays.asList(list1)}; Object[] list3 = {"7", Arrays.asList(list2)}; Object[] list4 = {"8", Arrays.asList(list3)}; List testList = Arrays.asList(list4); XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(testList); try{ Object newList = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(testList,newList); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testDictOfListsRoundTrip(){ Object[] list1 = {"1","2","3"}; Object[] list2 = {"4","5","6"}; Object[] list3 = {"7"}; Object[] list4 = {"8", "9"}; Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("foo", Arrays.asList(list1)); dict.put("bar", Arrays.asList(list2)); dict.put("baz", Arrays.asList(list3)); dict.put("qux", Arrays.asList(list4)); XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String junkXOXO = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "bad<li><dl>worse<dt>good</dt><dd>buy</dd> now</dl></li></ol>"; public void testXOXOJunkInContainers(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("good","buy"); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(junkXOXO); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String junkElementXOXO = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "><li>bad<dl><dt>good</dt><dd>buy</dd></dl>" + "worse</li><li>bag<ol><li>OK</li></ol>fish</li></ol>"; public void testXOXOjunkInElements(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("good","buy"); Object[] ok = {"OK"}; Object[] obj ={dict, Arrays.asList(ok)}; List testList = Arrays.asList(obj); try{ Object newList = parser.parse(junkElementXOXO); assertEquals(testList,newList); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String xoxoSpacesNewlines = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + " class='xoxo'> \n" + " <li>\n" + " <dl>\n" + " <dt>text</dt>\n" + " <dd>item 1</dd>\n" + " <dt>description</dt>\n" + " <dd> This item represents the main" + " point we're trying to make.</dd>\n" + " <dt>url</dt>\n" + " <dd>http://example.com/more.xoxo</dd>\n" + " <dt>title</dt>\n" + " <dd>title of item 1</dd>\n" + " <dt>type</dt>\n" + " <dd>text/xml</dd>\n" + " <dt>rel</dt>\n" + " <dd>help</dd>\n" + " </dl>\n" + " </li>\n" + "</ol>"; public void testXOXOWithSpacesAndNewlines(){ XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("text","item 1"); dict.put("description"," This item represents the main" + " point we're trying to make."); dict.put("url","http://example.com/more.xoxo"); dict.put("title","title of item 1"); dict.put("type","text/xml"); dict.put("rel","help"); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(xoxoSpacesNewlines); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String xoxoSample = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + " class='xoxo'> \n" + " <li>\n" + " <dl>\n" + " <dt>text</dt>\n" + " <dd>item 1</dd>\n" + " <dt>url</dt>\n" + " <dd>http://example.com/more.xoxo</dd>\n" + " <dt>title</dt>\n" + " <dd>title of item 1</dd>\n" + " <dt>type</dt>\n" + " <dd>text/xml</dd>\n" + " <dt>rel</dt>\n" + " <dd>help</dd>\n" + " </dl>\n" + " </li>\n" + "</ol>"; public String smartXOXOSample = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\"> \n" + " <li><a href=\"http://example.com/more.xoxo\"\n" + " title=\"title of item 1\"\n" + " type=\"text/xml\"\n" + " rel=\"help\">item 1</a> \n" + "<!-- note how the \"text\" property is simply" + " the contents of the <a> element -->\n" + " </li>\n" + "</ol>"; public void testSpecialAttributeDecoding(){ XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); try{ Object xoxoDict = parser.parse(xoxoSample); Object xoxoDict2 = parser.parse(smartXOXOSample); assertEquals(xoxoDict,xoxoDict2); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String specialAttrHTML = "<ol " + XHTML_DEC + "class=\"xoxo\">" + "<li><a href=\"http://example.com/more.xoxo\" title=\"sample url\" " + "rel=\"help\" type=\"text/xml\" >an example</a></li></ol>"; public void testSpecialAttributeEncode(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("url","http://example.com/more.xoxo"); dict.put("title","sample url"); dict.put("type","text/xml"); dict.put("rel","help"); dict.put("text","an example"); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); assertEquals(specialAttrHTML,html); } public void testSpecialAttributeRoundTripFull(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("url","http://example.com/more.xoxo"); dict.put("title","sample url"); dict.put("type","text/xml"); dict.put("rel","help"); dict.put("text","an example"); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testSpecialAttributeRoundTripNoText(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("url","http://example.com/more.xoxo"); dict.put("title","sample url"); dict.put("type","text/xml"); dict.put("rel","help"); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testSpecialAttributeRoundTripNoTextOrTitle(){ XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); Map dict = new LinkedHashMap(); dict.put("url","http://example.com/more.xoxo"); dict.put("type","text/xml"); dict.put("rel","help"); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(dict); try{ Object newDict = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(dict,newDict); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } public void testUnicodeRoundTrip(){ String s = "Tantek Çelik and a snowman ?"; XOXOWriter xoxo = new XOXOWriter(); XOXOParser parser = new XOXOParser(); String html = xoxo.toXOXO(s); try{ Object newString = parser.parse(html); assertEquals(s,newString); }catch (Exception e){ fail(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }