
Brighton, on the 8th September, was host to d.Construct – a one day grass-roots web development conference.

During the day, Jeremy Keith organised a rather spontaneous picnic in a nearby park to discuss Microformats. The sunny weather encouraged a very large group of attendees to listen to the session about Microformats, uses and tools – including those not directly connected to the conference (whether the passers-by thought it was an organised cult meet-up or not we may never know but the twinkling Indian music eminating from further into the park certainly gave it a mystical air)!

Again, another successful event where Microformats took a spotlight.

Don’t forget, if you have an interest in speaking to people out there in the real world about Microformats, would like to see a presentation, or have one of your own coming up – use the events list on the wiki.

One Response to “MicroPicnic”

  1. Danny Hope :

    Here’s a pic of Jeremy in action:


    September 14th, 2006 at 10:17 am