Wiki Updates In IRC Again: Welcome Loqi

Inspired by the Wikipedia community, in the early days of we had a bot, mfbot, setup by co-founder and admin Ryan King, that reported wiki changes to the #microformats IRC channel. mfbot performed an invaluable role, both helping newcomers see what areas of the wiki were active, and helping admins quickly revert and block spammers. Unfortunately mfbot turned out to require just enough handholding that made it too much work to keep running over the long run (the cognitive surplus of our all volunteer admins tends to be quite limited, we’re busy folks).

Enter Loqi. In the process of setting up (which all microformatters should check out) with Aaron Parecki today, he setup his IRC bot, Loqi to report IndieWebCamp wiki changes to #indiewebcamp. Turns out Loqi is running continuously and can handle watching changes across multiple wikis, notifying the appropriate IRC channels.

So now, Loqi is now watching the changes from the microformats wiki and reporting them to our our IRC channel (click to join).

Welcome Loqi!

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