[microformats-discuss] (url) canonicalization

Ryan King ryan at technorati.com
Mon Sep 26 13:47:15 PDT 2005

On Sep 26, 2005, at 1:28 PM, Dr. Ernie Prabhakar wrote:
> On Sep 26, 2005, at 1:19 PM, David Janes -- BlogMatrix wrote:
>> This is pretty tied up in the issue of creating a weblog  
>> microformat. In  particular, creating (if necessary and if  
>> possible) an equivalence between RSS/Atom/Feed entries and entries  
>> within the HTML wevkig, which of course can be summaries/teasers,  
>> complete, on the main page, or in multiple different archives, and  
>> so forth.
> Actually, I'm thinking this is a very common design pattern  
> (nanoformat ?).

micro isn't small enough? :D

>   I can think of a whole bunch of cases where I'd like to be able  
> to specify a list of items, one of which is preferred:
> * feeds
> * thumbnails
> * email addresses
> * multi-res media downloads
> * translations
> * formats (HTML vs. PDF)

I think we're going to have to deal with this in our media-metadata  
work. However, what I'm thinking of is somewhat different. I'm just  
thinking there needs to be a simple way for one to say "that page is  
like this page, and, in fact, its the main one."

so something like this in the head:

<link rel="alternate bookmark" href="..." />

should be an expression of those semantics.

It almost sounds to me like we need to take the "bookmark" usage,  
which is IFAIK not standardized anywhere...... (Ryan goes to actually  
do the research)......

I take that back: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-links

I really didn't realize that rel="bookmark" was in html. Here's the  

 >    Refers to a bookmark. A bookmark is a link to a key entry point  
within an extended document. The title >attribute may be used, for  
example, to label the bookmark. Note that several bookmarks may be  
defined in >each document.

This doesn't seem like what we're looking for here.

> I think the most common HTML implementation of this is an ordered  
> list, where the first choice is preferred, i.e.:
> <ol class='pickone'>
> <li>I am the greatest</li> <-- Default, aka Canonical -->
> <li>We're #2</li>
> <li>Who cares?</li>
> </ol>

I think this is a different use case that what I'm talking about.  
(which still needs to be addressed, but probably separately).

> Of course, that's only useful is there's additional attributes that  
> allow for meaningful 'picks', e.g., size, language, etc.
> Is there in fact a general way to handle this?  Are these *always*  
> links, so we can use 'rel'?

Ryan King
ryan at technorati.com

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