[uf-discuss] MediaWiki plugin

Ben Ward lists at ben-ward.co.uk
Mon Jan 5 10:52:27 PST 2009

Hi Toby,

On 5 Jan 2009, at 01:05, Toby A Inkster wrote:

> I don't know much about MediaWiki, but surely it's possible to  
> create a plugin which looks at edits from users with no edit  
> history, and blocks the edit if and only if it seems to create a one- 
> word paragraph at the top of the page?

Maybe. And, yes, probably. Alas, the plugins I've written for MW are  
just simple parsing extensions, more complex stuff I've no idea about  
the capabilities.

I've created a new issue under wiki-2-issues (http://microformats.org/wiki/wiki-2-issues#Spam 
) for this one.

If we could try to collect notes of things we think should be enhanced  
with MW extensions over the next week (on wiki-2-issues), then we'll  
push the most urgent onto the microformats blog and around our various  
networks and see if someone more experienced with MW can help us out.  
Of course, if that person is already on µf-discuss, help us Obi-Wan  
Kenobi, you're our only hope!


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