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Exemples de "chat"

Exemples dont les transcriptions de "chat" sont actuellement balisées, avec l'idée de pousser un microformat pour baliser les logs/archives des sessions de chat (IRC, etc.) qui sont postées sur le Web. Les prochaines étapes sont de documenter les formats de chat et de produire quelque chat-brainstorming.


(traduction française en cours Christophe Ducamp

Transcriptions IRC

Ce sont des logs en texte clair avec des champs espaces séparés, ainsi sont-ils postés emballés dans <pre>

12:06 Tantek: what does the datetime stamp represent?
12:07 KevinMarks: in iRC, when it was said
12:07 Tantek: is it a point in time *before* they started speaking?
12:07 Tantek: or *after*?
12:07 Tantek: or somewhere in the *middle*?
12:07 KevinMarks: usually it is quantised to seconds
12:07 KevinMarks: and it is time the msg was received
12:07 Tantek: but the second they started typing or pressed return?
12:08 KevinMarks: prssed return i think

Ou sous du texte clair + <br> (par ex :

(22:20) gturneruk: oh, i just remembered. windows 95 is ten years old today
(22:22) Suw: good god. i mean, i shouldn't be surprised, it being 2005 and all. but still, where did that time go?
(22:22) gturneruk: lost clusters
(22:23) Suw: i obviously need to defrag

xChat2 log format

**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 14 04:36:29 2003

May 14 04:36:29 -->     You are now talking on #test
May 14 04:36:29 ---     Topic for #test is Test Topic
May 14 04:36:29 ---     Topic for #test set by nick1 at Thu May  8 18:45:05
May 14 04:58:45 ---     You are now known as nick1
May 14 05:03:44 -->     nick1 (~nick1@2.1.3.narf-42905) has joined #test
May 14 05:05:48 <nick1> test message
May 14 05:10:24 *       nick1 test action
May 14 05:11:19 <--     nick1 has quit (quit)

**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jul  4 00:28:22 2003

Format de log pour Snak

Log file opened at: 5/26/04 12:00:11 AM
[12:00:11:] nick1: test message
[12:10:29:] * nick1 test action
[12:13:16:] ***: nick2 ( has joined the channel
[12:20:35:] ***: nick2 has quit IRC ("Computer going to sleep...")
[12:21:31:] ***: You have joined the channel
Log file closed at: 5/26/04 2:29:08 AM

Transcription Jabber (extraite de Jabber Dev Meeting)

<font class="timestamp">[15:39:01]</font> <font class="normal"><DaleH></font> hey david, any chance of a pm?<br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:41:49]</font> <font class="normal"><yipdw></font> sure<br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:41:58]</font> <font class="normal"><yipdw></font> I'm just swimming in ActiveRecord junk right now :p<br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:42:08]</font> <font class="emote">stpeter reads <a href=""></a> :-)</font><br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:42:52]</font> <font class="normal"><yipdw></font> ooh, that memo expanded since I last read it<br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:42:55]</font> <font class="normal"><yipdw></font> *re-reads that one*<br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:46:32]</font> <font class="system">remdeprived leaves the room</font><br/>
<font class="timestamp">[15:46:47]</font> <font class="system">remdeprived joins the room</font><br/>

transcriptions iChat

iChat gère différemment les timestamps en les insérant entre des blocs de déclaration, totues les cinq minutes.

12:25 AM
Reconnecting to tantekatwork…
Kevin Marks: So, iChat shows timestamps between entries
Tantek: yes
Tantek: what about Adium?
12:30 AM
Kevin Marks: my copy is 230 days old... et other QDBs collectent des transcriptions amusantes IRC et laissent les gens voter dessus. Ils utilisent du texte clair + <br />, encapsulé dans <p>

<Eurakarte> RETORT

Log Library

Log Library affiche un format tabulaire avec des divs

<div class="row" name="GusVanNos">
   <div class="timestamp">18:36:28</div>
   <div class="nick"><GusVanNos></div> 
   <div class="message">.+. is a lazy way of saying .{2,}</div>

<div class="row" name="jawong">
    <div class="timestamp">18:36:48</div>
    <div class="nick"><jawong></div>
    <div class="message">your model is waaaay better, xal.</div>
  • row
    • timestamp
    • nick
    • message

JWZ a été utilisé pour générer les logs irc pour le BarCamp Dallas :

<table bgcolor="#ffffff">
   <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
    <font color="#000000">
     <i>[2006/01/28 11:21:34] </i>
   <td bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="top">
    <font color="#000000">
     <i>@ jdunck joined channel #barcampdallas</i>
   <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
    <font color="#000000">
     <i>[2006/01/28 11:21:40] </i>
   <td valign="top">
    <font color="#000000">
     <i><tantek> is there a subethaedit-compatible client on windows?</i>

Format Logs MSN Messenger XML

Exemples sur :, il y en a tout un tax mais pas sûr comment c'est répandu. La structure générale semble être une capsule d'élément Log, avec des éléments topniveau Join et Message. C'est un peu étrange de voir commen l'élément To a des enfants indiquant tous les récipiendaires, normalement ce devrait être implicite, mais il peut y avoir une raison qui n'est pas claire simplement en partant de cet exemple. Billet original pour l'exemple : Remarquez qu'ils ont été publiés avec une feuille de style qui les rend directement visibles, ils apparaissent dirigés vers l'humain.

<Log FirstSessionID="1" LastSessionID="1">
 <Join Date="9/12/2004" Time="6:48:20 PM" DateTime="2004-09-12T23:48:20.716Z" SessionID="1">
  <User FriendlyName="'' Quando não tem oq se ama...É preciso amar oq se tem!!! ''"/>
  <Text Style="color:#008000; ">
   '' Quando não tem oq se ama...É preciso amar oq se tem!!! '' has been added to the conversation.
 <Message Date="9/12/2004" Time="6:48:20 PM" DateTime="2004-09-12T23:48:20.846Z" SessionID="1">
   <User FriendlyName="Você vive inventando maneiras pra dizer semp pra dizer que me quer!!"/>
   <User FriendlyName=""/>
   <User FriendlyName=":@TE ODEIO:@"/>
   <User FriendlyName="|I{•------»Victor«------•}I|1 2 3 o corh fregueis! -LLUSSAA EOOOO"/>
   <User FriendlyName=""Tô com sono!!! Acho que vo durmi!!!""/>
   <User FriendlyName="||||Gabriel||||| A Clockwork Orange.."/>
   <User FriendlyName="Pensar para acertar, Calar para resistir, Agir para vencer"/>
   <User FriendlyName="*>.Jessy.<*genteeeeeeeemmmmmmm..trokeiser  tá  aqui:09098217635!!!"/>
  <Text Style="font-family:Sylfaen; color:#ff0000; ">
   nossa qnta gente
  • Log
    • Join
      • User
        • FriendlyName
      • Text
    • Message
      • From
        • User
      • To
        • User*
      • Text

MSN Messenger Balisé par Anne van Kesteren

Trouvé sur :

<p>Late night <abbr title="Microsoft Network">MSN</abbr> sessions…
<ol class="conversation">
  <q><code><form></code> does not imply <code><body></code> in <abbr title="Internet Explorer">IE</abbr>6</q>

 <q>it’s worse…</q>

  <blockquote><pre><!DOCTYPE html>
 div { position:relative; }
 form { width:40em; }

  • zcorpan innerHTML for that:
  • zcorpan
     div { position:relative; }
     form { width:40em; }
    <P>test </FORM></P></DIV></BODY></HTML>
  • anne ah, totally IE
  • zcorpan the contents of the div are invisible
  • anne hmm…
  • anne o well
  • anne debugging that sucks
  • anne emulating it might be cool
  • anne building IE again
  • zcorpan the thought of it hurts my brains
  • zcorpan javascript:alert(document.getElementsByTagName("!")[0].nodeValue)
  • anne you’re so crazy
  • zcorpan try that in a document that has a doctype declaration, with IE
  • anne heh

    Later on:

    1. zcorpan how can a node that is nodeType 8 be returned by getElementsByTagName?
    2. anne euh, good question
    • Analyse TBD

    Format ILRT Logger Bot

    Trouvé sur :, généré par, ce sont trois formats : HTML, plain text, et RDF. Le format est décrit sur la chat-formats-fr page, ce billet a discuté des fichiers HTML et plein-texte, parce qu'ils semblent être orientés sur les personnes.

    <div class="log">
      <span class="time" id="T00-27-42"><a href="#T00-27-42">00:27:42</a></span>
      <span class="nick"><CaptSolo></span>
      <span class="comment">Gromgull: nice quote re. x years later</span>
      <span class="time" id="T00-27-57"><a href="#T00-27-57">00:27:57</a></span>
      <span class="nick"><CaptSolo></span>
      <span class="comment">Gromgull: what could one do with those 17mb of invalid n3?</span>
      <span class="time" id="T01-38-48"><a href="#T01-38-48">01:38:48</a></span>
      <span class="nick"><karlUshi></span>
      <span class="comment">
       <a href="">
    • log
      • time
      • nick
      • comment
        • href?

    Format Trillian

    Ceci pour un chat AIM, mais un pour un chat Yahoo! semble le même. Il est sauvegardé en texte clair tout comme en XML. (l'user1 est local). Ceci est une description du format en texte clair.

    Session Start (user1:user2): Fri Apr 01 17:43:06 2005
    [17:43] user2: ping
    [17:43] *** Auto-response sent to user2: My hovercraft is full of eels.
    [17:46] user1: hey
    Session Close (user2): Fri Apr 01 17:47:00 2005
    • log
      • timestamp
      • modifier? user
      • message

    Format Skype

    Au moment de visualiser des conversations archivées, ceci est ce que vous obtenez... Que se passe t'il avec les listes de définitions... ? Oh oui !

      Created on 2006-02-02 17:00:41.
      <dt class="remote">
        <a href="callto://" title="[rUsername]">Brian Oberkirch</a>: <span>14:58:25</span>
      <dt class="remote">
        <a href="callto://[rUsername]" title="[rUsername]">Brian Oberkirch</a>: <span>14:58:27</span>
      <dt class="local">
        Chris Messina: <span>14:58:41</span>
      <dt class="remote">
        <a href="callto://[rUsername]" title="[rUsername]">Brian Oberkirch</a>: <span>14:58:45</span>
        These guys mention your comment on the 37s thread during their podcast
      <dt class="local">
        Chris Messina: <span>14:58:51</span>
      <dt class="local">
        Chris Messina: <span>14:58:52</span>
      <dt class="remote">
        <a href="callto://[rUsername]" title="[rUsername]">Brian Oberkirch</a>: <span>14:59:04</span>
        It's what it says in the transcript

    <table class="chat">
            <tbody id="chat">
              <tr class="timestamp_message message" id="message_2520523" style="">
      <td class="date"><span>Apr 26</span></td>
      <td class="time"><div>2:10 PM</div></td>
    <tr class="system_message message" id="message_2520524" style="">
      <td class="person"> </td>
      <td class="body"><div>The transcript has been cleared</div></td>
    <tr class="timestamp_message message" id="message_2520953" style="">
      <td class="date"><span style="display:none">Apr 26</span></td>
      <td class="time"><div>2:20 PM</div></td>
    <tr class="system_message message" id="message_2520954" style="">
      <td class="person"> </td>
      <td class="body"><div>The transcript has been cleared</div></td>
    <tr class="enter_message message user_52792" id="message_2521028" style="">
      <td class="person">Scott R.</td>
      <td class="body"><div>has entered the room</div></td>
    <tr class="text_message message user_52792 you" id="message_2521046" style="">
      <td class="person"><span>Scott R.</span></td>
      <td class="body"><div></div></td>

    Compte rendu de Conférence

    J'ai pris une transcription d'une conférence et l'ai balisée

    <ol style="list-style:disc">
    <li><cite>Councilmember Yeager</cite>: <q>And I guess for you Albert on young people's theater, my understanding is it's  the same budget recommendation for the organization this year as last year?</q></li>
    <li><cite>Albert Balagso</cite>: <q>That's correct. 100% cost recovery as directed in the June budget message last year.</q></li>
    <li><cite>Councilmember Yeager</cite>: <q>How is that going to be tracked? I know they didn't get quite to 100% this  year. With all the food they were able to collect and all that other kind of stuff, I guess is it a flexible  amount? Is it sort of hoping to get to 100 but if it's 90 it's okay? I'm just trying to figure -- I know they're  very nervous about their funding and I wasn't quite sure what we could tell them to make them feel more  reassured.</q></li>
    <li><cite>Albert Balagso</cite>: <q>We have been tracking their cost recovery and they are doing very well. They're very close. In the end  our budget balances. We make up from some other part of our overall budget. Over the course of a  couple of years or three years, establish a baseline and establish exactly where that is going to be. I'm  reluctant to lower the bar and try to get it to 100% because that might be achievable. Staff has worked  with the group to see if we can look at revamping some of the services that are out there. Maybe we're  doing too much and spending too much versus the return we're getting. So these are things that we're  looking at to tighten the strings and try to make it work a little bit better. But they need to take several  years of trying to establish exactly what is the capacity and the baseline of what they can recover.</q></li>

    Exemples Live Chat

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