[uf-discuss] citation microformat?

Tim White tjameswhite at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 19 06:08:17 PST 2006

--- Edward Vielmetti <edward.vielmetti at gmail.com> wrote:

> well, the examples I'm starting to unearth - and
> there are more of them coming out of the library
> standards field - all are using Dublin Core based
> namespaces.
> If I get it right, then it's really not "title", it's "dc.title"
> that we're working with.  & that is unambiguous
> and a bunch of tools produce it and understand it.
> Ed

And I see just this morning that Ed Summers is working on using
OpenURL, which uses btitle:


~ Tim

<a href="http://www.tjameswhite.com">www.tjameswhite.com</a>

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