[uf-discuss] Re: Wiki

Tantek Ç elik tantek at cs.stanford.edu
Wed May 3 18:55:51 PDT 2006

On 5/3/06 6:06 PM, "Rémi Prévost" <remi at exomel.com> wrote:

> OK, I understand. I have another question related to multi-lingual
> content. For example, there's a naming convention that says "XMDP
> profile pages for microformat specs should be named with the name of the
> spec, followed by "-profile"". But in french, profile is "profil",
> should those profile pages be named with "-profil-fr" instead of
> "-profile-fr". In a wider view, should we translate those words like
> "parsing", "profile", "examples" ?

No, please DO NOT translate the text in the URL itself.

You should of course change the page title in the *content* of the page, but
the URL should be the same as the English version but with the language code
extension.  This will make it MUCH easier to see at a glance which languages
a particular page has been translated into.  It may at some point even make
it easier to automatically provide different language versions of a page
depending on the user's browser configuration.



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