[uf-new] Re: hAudio Issue D6: 2008-01-10 hAudio notes inconsistency

Martin McEvoy martin at weborganics.co.uk
Mon Aug 18 11:15:33 PDT 2008

Martin McEvoy wrote:
> Hello
> RE: 2008-01-10 hAudio notes inconsistency [1]
> Raised by Andy Mabbett in 
> http://microformats.org/discuss/mail/microformats-discuss/2008-January/011344.html 
> The "Notes" section of the hAudio spec says "By marking up audio 
> content with the hAudio microformat, the expectation is communicated 
> that information about the content MAY be indexed. This has no impact 
> on the copyright of the content itself which the publisher may 
> explicitly specify using rel-license as specified above.". However, 
> that is the first and only reference to rel-license on the page.


> I initially closed this issue marking it as a typing error rel-licence 
> is not part of the specification, but the  question still remains 
> "should the hAudio Specification include rel-licence"  I have 
> re-opened this issue in order that this issue be addressed correctly.
> Proposed resolution:
> The  hAudio Specification SHOULD include the rel-license microformat.
> 1, because rel-licence already implicitly exists in haudio it
> just hasn't been discussed yet.
> 2, I DO think it is valuable to know which audio files I can freely 
> download no conditions, and ones that may have certain conditions that 
> must be met before I can download this file.
> Thanks
> Martin McEvoy

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