[uf-new] Question RE: The Process

Frances Berriman fberriman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 02:05:03 PDT 2010

On 18 July 2010 17:47, Craig Shea <craig.e.shea at gmail.com> wrote:
> Scott:
> Thanks for the reply. I have done the research on the microformats.org
> site and know that my proposed format does not exist (including using
> existing formats to accomplish my end result). Of course, the members
> of this list could always say "I don't think we need a format for
> that." Would it be helpful to post a link to my blog posts regarding
> my "proposed pre-draft specification" (meant to jumpstart
> brainstorming and discussion with the understanding that it may very
> well change according to community consensus) and an example of its
> use? Or is that jumping the gun?

A pre-draft spec does sound a little like jumping the gun, but since
you have it - send it over to the list as a new thread.  What would be
best to be done along side that would be to build a research wiki page
looking at examples of what you want to mark-up in the wild.

So yes - that would be helpful :)


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