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Problématiques hCard

Ce sont des problématiques soulevées à propos de hCard avec divers degrés de mérite. Par conséquent, quelques problématiques sont REJETEES pour un bon nombre de raisons évidentes (mais encore documentées ici dans le cas où elles reviendraient à surgir), et d'autres qui contiennent des discussions plus longues. Quelques problématiques peuvent être ACCEPTEES et peut-être provoquer des modifications ou des explicatons améliorées dans la spécification.

IMPORTANT : Lisez svp les hCard FAQ avant de donner quelque réaction ou de soulever quelques problématiques car vos réactions/problématiques peuvent être déjà résolues/répondues.

Les problématiques proposées peuvent (et le seront probablement) être éditées et récrites pour une meilleure concision, clarté, rationnalité et une expresson aussi neutre que possible. Ecrivez bien vos problématiques. — Tantek

SVP, ajoutez les nouvelles problématiques en haut de la liste.

Voir les problématiques hCalendar à ce sujet.

Pour toutes les questions en rapport avec la spécification vCard elle même, voir vcard errata et vcard suggestions.

Voir aussi les problématiques hCalendar.


  • 2007-01-26 soulevée par James Craig sur la page accessibilité.
    1. Localisation des valeurs 'type' RFC2426. Les valeurs type RFC2426 pour adr, email et tel ont été prévues comme des valeurs lisibles par des machines. Utilisées comme du véritable contenu HTML dans l'exemple suivant ne fonctionne uniquement qu'en anglais. La discussion sur le forum accessify décrite sur la page accessibilité a soutenu que réduire ce problème à un abbr n'est pas une solution valide et accessible.

<span class="tel" xml:lang="en">

 <span class="type">Home</span> (<span class="type">pref</span>erred):
 <span class="value">+1.415.555.1212</span>


Utiliser l'attribut de classe pour les valeurs type préfixés qname (et autres comme des valeurs dtstart), aussi connues sous le nom de classes méta.

<span xml:lang="en">

 Home (preferred): <span class="tel type:home type:pref">+1.415.555.1212</span>

</span> <span xml:lang="fr">

 Domicile (préféré) : <span class="tel type:home type:pref">+1.415.555.1212</span>


  • problématique ouverte ! 2007-01-22 soulevée par Christina Hope.
    1. Quel est le meilleur moyen d'afficher une hCard sur une ligne avec un espacement. Actuellement j'utilise ça - mais je sais qu'il doit y avoir un moyen plus simple de faire.
      Exemples : (1)

<span class="vcard"> <span class="fn">Christina Hope</span>& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; <span class="department">Information Technology</span>& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; <span class="role">Website Coordinator</span>& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; <span display="none" class="region"></span> <span class="tel"> x3408</span> & nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp; <span class="email"><a href="mailto:chope@example.com">chope@example.com</a></span>


<p class="vcard">

<span class="fn">Christina Hope</span> <span class="department">Information Technology</span> <span class="role">Website Coordinator</span> <abbr class="tel" title="+44123 456 7890 x 3408"> x3408</abbr> <a class="email" href="mailto:chope@example.com">chope@example.com</a>


Remarque : appliquer des classes aux éléments existants ; utiliser abbr pour donner le numéro de téléphone dans sa totalité au format international. Aussi utiliser CSS, et non des espaces non brisés pour l'espacement.
Andy Mabbett 08:34, 22 Jan 2007 (PST)
  • problématique ouverte ! 2006-12-07 soulevée par RyanKing.
    1. hCard org-fn correspondant devrait utiliser organization-name, si donné.
    2. soulevé initialement sur uf-discuss par David Janes.
  • 2006-11-24 soulevée Andy Mabbett
    1. un contournement suggéré pour le manque d'une propriété sexe est de représenter implicitement le sexe dans le champ 'honorific-prefix' par ex. Mr. pour un Homme, et Ms. pour une femme. Cette approche a vraiment la limite que "Mr." et "Ms." (ou "Miss"/ "Mrs.") entre en conflit avec un classement de plus haut niveau, honorifique et libre de sexe, comme "Dr." ou "Rév." pour la personne, car il est peu habituel (et parfois en dehors des Etats-Unis, invalide) de faire référence par exemple à quelqu'un comme "Mr. Dr." ou "Mrs. Rev.". Remarquez aussi que quelques cultures ou religions considèrent de tels titres comme insultants, ou au moins les dédaigent.
  • problématique ouverte ! 2006-11-23 soulevée par Andy Mabbett
    1. La spécification devrait être "stand alone" et ne pas obliger normalement à exiger une réfrence à la spécifiation vCard.
      • A: ACCEPTEEE PARTIELLEMENT. D'accord sur le fait que hCard devrait être utilisable par les auteurs web sans avoir à plonger dans la spécification vCard. Précisez l'impélenation du parsage, etc. Les propriétés de hCard obligeront nénamoins les programmeurs à faire référence aux spécificités/grammaires de la spécification vCard qui ne repliquera PAS dans la spécification hCard afin d'éviter l'introduction inévitable d'erreurs dues à la duplication. Et ceci étant dit, les explications informatives peuvent être une bonne idée, tant que les définitions de valeur/propriété de la vCard sont maintenues comme normatives.
        • Oui ; mon inteprétation était en référence la publication de hCard, pas de parser à l'intérieur de vCards. Andy Mabbett
    2. La spécification devrait déclarer que les "numéros de téléphone DEVRAIENT adhérer à la ITU-T Recommandation E.123" (ou peut être "DOIVENT").
      • ACCEPTE PARTIELLEMENT. Ceci a du sens comme référence informative et un PEUT, mais parce que la vCard ne de fait pas de telle déclaration DEVRAIT pour les valeurs TEL, la hCard ne devrait ni ne le fera. En outre, parce que l'URL de Wikipedia est sujette à un changement drastique, nous ne pouvons pas produire ça comme une référence normative.
        • Je prends ton point sur Wikipedia - voici une url ITU-E.123 plus définitive ; mais c'est pour un document chargeable. Utiliser "DEVRAIT" ou "DOIT" dans la hCard n'affectera la compatiblité ou la conversion vers vCard. Andy Mabbett
  • 2006-11-16 soulevée par Andy Mabbett
    1. Le "type" pour "tel" manque d'une option "textphone" (pour les terminaux utilisés par exemple par les personnes qui sont sourdes sourdes ou ont des difficultés d'expression. Par exemple : Birmingham City Council (303 1119).
      • A : REJETE. Ceci est une problématique vCard, car la taxonomie "type" pour "tel" est déterminée par vCard. Nous n'augmentons pas actuellement la hCard au delà des propriétés et valeurs dans la vCard.
        • Ce n'est pas clair comment vous pouvez "rejeter" une déclaration factuelle prouvée. Quel est le processus pour suggérer une mise à jour vers vCard ? Andy Mabbett
          • A : ACCEPTEE PARTIELLEMENT RESOLUE. Malheurseument il n'est pas clair quel est le processus pour mettre à jour vCard. Néanmoins, nous pouvons au moins saisir les suggestions pour améliorer vers vCard à partir de cette communauté, ce qui peut être utile une fois que le processus pour mette à jour la vCard sera compris. J'ai créé vcard-suggestions à cet effet et ajouté cette suggestion. - Tantek
            • La spéc. vCard est mise à jour par RFC, par exemple RFC 4770. Andy Mabbett 06:22, 12 Jan 2007 (PST)
  • 2006-10-21 soulevée par Andy Mabbett
    1. There should be some way to say that the URL of an hCard or hCalendar event is the URL of the page itself, without having to include a redundant, and accessibility-damaging link to that page, on the page itself.
  • 2005-06-21 soulevée par Hixie
    1. Issue H-1: This specification is lacking a user agent conformance section. There's basically nothing that says how hCards must be parsed, how to handle errors, and so forth. Is it defined in terms of the DOM? Is it defined in terms of a serialisation? How do you handle unexpected content or missing content?
      • A: ACCEPTED RESOLVED. See parsage hCard for how hCards must be parsed. For errors/unexpected content/missing content, please provide specific examples.

  • 2005-06-30 soulevée par Jack L. Wolfgang II. Please feel free to move these to the FAQs if they are better suited there.
    1. Handling middle names and suffixes: How does one handle middle initials/names in the hCard format and suffixes that are not honorific suffixes (e.g. Jr., Sr., II, III, etc. as opposed to Ph.D., Esq., M.D., etc.)?
      • A: ACCEPTEE en FAQ. par Brian Suda (2005-11-08 mise à jour par Tantek) la hCard est basé sur la spec RFC2426. I you want to use a middle initial it can be expanded using the abbr element. <abbr title="Middle Name" class="additional-name">M</abbr>. Honorific Suffixes in the RFC include Jr. Esq. and other inherited suffixes, so i would just use <span class="honorific-suffix">Jr.</span> etc.
    2. Handling different types of addresses: How does one handle the TYPE (e.g. postal, work, etc.) specification for addresses as specified in RFC 2426 Section 3.2.1?
      • A: ACCEPTED FAQ. By Brian Suda (2005-11-08 updated by Tantek) If you want to add a type to certain elements, including address and telephone it may be done in the following manner:
<span class="adr">
<span class="type">work</span>:
<span class="tel">
<span class="type">work</span>:
<span class="value">123.456.7890</span>

the TYPE needs to be a sub-element of the property (adr, tel, etc) NOTE: EMAIL does NOT have many TYPE attributes, only INTERNET and X400

  • 2005-07-22 soulevée par DanConnolly
    1. ...in my cellphone/sidekick address book, I have a number of entries for companies. I wrote asHCard.xsl to convert the data from RDF to hCard, but I don't know what to do with entries for companies, since FN is mandatory in hCard.
      • A: ACCEPTED FAQ. This should be an FAQ. "How do I write an hCard for a company?" The vCard specification is silent on this point (entries for companies). Thus there are two options as far as the hCard standard is concerned:
        1. Set "fn" and "org" to the same value. E.g. <span class="fn org">W3C</span> (recommended)
        2. Set "org" as usual, and set "fn" explicitly to empty. E.g. <span class="fn"></span><span class="org">W3C</span> or
          • Simply have no "fn", and on the parsing side, if there is no "fn" present, but there is an "org" property, then duplicate the "org" value as "fn"
      • The last two options are effectively the same and are both not explicit and easily confusable with a "missing data" condition. Thus option 1 is preferred. For converting applications (hCard to vCard), they may consider using proprietary extensions to make the distinction explicit in generated vCards, based on either case 1 or 2 above. E.g. Apple's Address Book application supports the property: X-ABShowAs:COMPANY
      • We are looking for descriptions of how other vCard supporting applications treat "company" vCards differently from "person" vCards. Please provide descriptions here:
        • Address Book / MacOSX.3:
          • Export (e.g. drag & drop to desktop, view in text editor)
            • Sets "FN" and "ORG" to the name of the company
            • Sets proprietary X-ABShowAs:COMPANY
          • Import (e.g. edit in text editor, drag & drop from desktop)
            • By setting "FN" and "ORG' to the same name (e.g. Banana Computers Inc.)
            • And removing any proprietary properties (e.g. X-ABShowAs)
            • Address Book user interface showed new vCard as a "company" contact rather an a person
        • Address Book MacOSX.4:
          • same results as above -RyanKing
        • The Danger Hiptop (aka T-Mobile Sidekick) addressbook:
          • Export (e.g. email to a mailing list)
            • Sets "FN" to the empty string and puts the company name in "ORG".
          • Import - could not find a way to import a .vcf, by email, IM, or other means into the Sidekick.
        • Contacts / Outlook 2003 Windows
          • Export (e.g. Highlight contact, File, Save As, vcard)
            • Sets "N" and "ORG to the name of the company
            • Sets "FN" to value in "File as:"
        • Add another vCard app here.
  • 2005-07-23 soulevée par DanConnolly
    1. Are class names case sensitive or not? hcard says "If names in the source schema are case-insensitive, then use an all lowercase equivalent."
      • A: ACCEPTED FAQ. Class names are case sensitive per the HTML4 specification. Hence hCard explicitly specifies the case of class name to use for source schema names that are case-insensitive.
    2. ...but I find example data with class="Given-Name"
      • A: ACCEPTED RESOLVED. That is from an older preliminary version of the hCard spec which used mixed case class names. Such class names are no longer valid hCard. Please note which examples (URLs) are using the older class names and hopefully we can get them fixed.
        • A: By Brian Suda I have fixed all the references in the hcard-brainstorming page to reflect the lower-case style, this is a hold-over from the original design, X2V has been updated.
    3. ..and code that supports it [data with class="Given-Name"].
      • A: ACCEPTED RESOLVED. Any code supporting the older class name(s) is for backward compatibility only, and should be phased out. Any new hCard code SHOULD NOT support such mixed case class names.
        • rfc2629xslt.html uses Street-Address, Family-Name, etc.
        • X2V Version 0.5.1 2005-07-08 supports Family-Name etc.
          • A: By Brian Suda I agree that the upper-case class names can be removed from the code, this was a hold-over and will be trimmed.
    4. The ul/ol stuff for multiple values of a property seems to be in the X2V code and in hcard-brainstorming but not in the hcard spec.
      • A. ACCEPTED RESOLVED. This needs to be added to the spec. 2005-11-08 Update: the way multiple values has been updated to work much better and not require ul/ol.
    5. the hcard-profile says country-name but X2V and lots of the data I've seen says country
      • A. ACCEPTED RESOLVED. RFC 2426 clearly says "country name" in both the prose and the grammar, thus "country-name" is the correct class name to use. If X2V uses just "country", it needs to be fixed to use "country-name", and any such examples as well. Please note which examples (URLs) are using the class name "country" and hopefully we can get them fixed.
        • A: By Brian Suda I have fixed all the references in the hcard-brainstorming page to reflect the proper country-name, X2V will support this in the next iteration when i fix several bugs at once.
  • 2005-08-12 soulevée par Jack L. Wolfgang II. Use of mailto transport functionality for the E-Mail address field.
    1. As stated in the hcard-brainstorming document, mailto is abused by spammers. As a result, many organizations have moved to form-based contacts as opposed to mailto's. According to RFC 2426, Section 3.3.2, "A non-standard value can also be specified." Does this refer to a non-standard e-mail address value or type value?
      • A: ACCEPTED FAQ. Type value.
  • 2005-10-30 soulevée par Julian Reschke.
    1. Several implementations (Which ones? Please provide links.) seem to assume that any class attribute that contains the substring "vcard" indeed signals the presence of vcard information. Not so: there are examples (What examples? Please provide links.) of where a token in the class attribute indeed only starts with "vcard", in which it should be ignored. Implemenations using XPath (such as XSLT or Greasemonkey scripts) should be advised to do a contains(concat(@class,' '),'vcard ').
  • 2005-12-8 soulevée par Kenny Heaton.
    1. The specification gives no way to to declare a telephone extention, as in (800) 234-5678 ext. 101
      • ACCEPTED FAQ. What is the best way to declare a telephone extension in a "tel" property? (also seems like it would be a vCard FAQ).
  • 2006-01-21 soulevée par Ben Boyle.
    1. Have run into issues trying to use definition lists with hCard, specifically around nesting requirements for tel where the DT element takes a class "type" (e.g. Telephone, Facsimile) and the DD element marks the value. It is invalid to place any other elements within a DL that wrap around the DT/DD pairs so there is no available element to assign the class "tel" to. XHTML2 proposes a DI element that will resolve this issue. I am hoping for an interim solution for those that wish to use definition lists, perhaps that "any class that would be placed on the DI parent (in XHTML2) must instead be placed on the first DT element". I realise this will cause headaches for those implementing hCard parsers. I'd also like to note this may affect other (current or future) microformats and relates to the general hassle of definition lists in current (X)HTML recommendations. For your consideration - thanks!
      • REJECTED WORKAROUND AVAILABLE. Either don't use definition lists in this manner (because the description of a defintion should go completely in the DD element, and thus you should be able to put the class on that), or use separate DLs in the cases where you would otherwise have needed a DI element.
  • problématique ouverte ! 2006-01-28 soulevée par Tantek on #microformats
    1. Is hCard is really appropriate for a named phone bridge, or do we need something else for a named phone numbers that are neither people nor organizations (the current two precise semantics that can be defined by hCard). For example see the "Zakim" hCard on http://www.w3.org/2005/12/allgroupoverview.html
  • 2006-02-15 soulevée par Eron Wright
    1. Few systems contemplate the altitude component of a coordinate, yet it exists. Altitude becomes important when working with 3D mapping software such as Google Earth. Indeed, the geocoding service that Google Earth uses returns a three-dimensional coordinate. I suggest that hCard provide explicit support for altitude.
      • REJECTED POSTPONED. Not in vCard. There is no "altitude" component in vCard (RFC 2426), and thus (certainly for now) there won't be any in hCard. If a new version of vCard were to come out with altitude, then we would add it to hCard. At some point we may also consider adding explicit extensions beyond vCard, but if we were to do so, we would capture them first on the hcard-brainstorming page.
  • 2006-02-19 soulevée par Miika Mäkinen.
    1. Couldn't the types for tel numbers be specified in a class? Now, for a phone number one needs to add the type as "visible" text, which is not always preferred. For example, type "Work", many times more suitable label could be "Office" or similar and sometimes you might not want to display any type information at all.
      • REJECTED TRIED ALREADY. Using class names for the "type" of a tel or adr was attempted, and failed in many situations. In addition, the "type" information is actual data, not just a property name, and thus deserves to be in the visible markup. Note that you can use abbreviations, e.g. <abbr class="type" title="work">W:</abbr> in order to present the type in a way that may better fit in with the rest of your presentation.
  • 2006-02-23 soulevée par Jesse Skinner and Ben Buchanan.
    1. Are multiple URLs allowed? The Property List suggests not, whereas email and tel have multiple type/value pairs. However, the parsing page suggests multiple URLs are OK. Either way, it seems clear that a type cannot be associated with a URL. So how exactly does hCard deal with multiple URLs?
      • RESOLVED FAQ: Multiple URLs are allowed. Some consuming agents (Apple's AddressBook.app among them) don't have an interface for producing multiple URLs, but they are still valid in vCard and therefore hCard. --RyanKing 17:58, 12 Jun 2006 (PDT)
  • problématique ouverte ! 2006-03-07 soulevée par Tantek.
    1. Issue 1: In 99% of the cases I am finding the need to explicitly do "n" markup, the person has a three word fn which is in the form "given-name additional-name(or initial) family-name". Should we make three word fn's into another shorthand notation to make this easier for authors?
  • 2006-04-06 soulevée par Evan.
    1. What is the relationship between the CATEGORY property and rel-tag? Can you add a tag to an hCard? How can you add a tag to a particular hcard on a page without tagging the other cards on a page?
      • ACCEPTED. Categories can optoinally be represented as tags. The classname 'category' should always be used, but rel="tag" can optionally be used (in addition to the category classname). In the case that a rel-tag tag is used, the tag (as defined by rel-tag) is used for the category. Examples: (1) <span class="category">food</span> and (2) <a class="category" rel="tag" href="http://example.com/food">Food!</a>. --RyanKing 15:16, 13 Jun 2006 (PDT)
  • problématique ouverte ! 2006-04-10 soulevée par Scott Reynen.
    1. When someone looks at the hcard pages, one sees no collection of real-world publishing of contact data nor discussion of the properties implied by such examples, I think it's far too easy to infer that microformats come from other formats more than actual behavior. There's nothing on the processus nor the hcard pages explaining this discrepancy. I would argue that there should be an explanation, probably in both places.


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La spécification hCard est un chantier en cours. Au fur et à mesure que des aspects supplémentaires sont discutés, compris et écrits, ils seront rajoutés. Ces idées, problématiques et questions sont maintenues sur des pages distinctes.