Main Page-zh
- 首先,请阅读并了解POSH的含义。
- 参阅关于、新闻, 以及最近的 报道、 演讲、 书籍、 播客、 和 电视.
- 如有疑问,请参考 常见问题 或在 语汇 查找新的词汇用法.
- 想亲自体验并学习微格式相关知识,请查阅 事件.
微格式的一个简单定义出自 邮件列表 (参见: 邮件列表) 。 微格式被定义为“为实现分散化开发而定制的简单的HTML语义嵌入规范”。 微格式更准确的定义是:
- 为嵌入语义标记
- 以及某一专门问题范围所开发的
- 以可读的 (X)HTML/XML 文件、 Atom/RSS 推送、 以及简单XML形式展示,
- 规范现有的内容使用模式,
- 通过简短、描述性的“类”名,
- 通常基于现有可协作标准
- 来实现
- 资源、工具以及服务的
- 分散化开发的
- 一系列简单的规范
“你的浏览器只用来浏览网页?简直太‘20世纪’了。” -- Mark Pilgrim
您想帮助微格式更上一层楼吗? 您可以:
- 倡议 使用微格式。
- 写一封 表扬信。
- 从 待完成工作列表 选择一些工作来做。
- 加入 邮件列表 以及网络中继聊天 学习微格式的相关知识并解答他人问题。
- 翻译微格式维基 是世界各地的用户都能分享微格式维基的内容。
- 寻找 孤立 的页面, 添加指向他们的链接。
- 在提出新的微格式之前,请确保您的网站使用 POSH 且充分利用现有微格式规范, 并阅读流程.
- hCalendar - hcalendar 编写器
- hCard - hcard 编写器
- rel-license
- rel-nofollow
- rel-tag
- VoteLinks
- XFN (see also: xfn-implementations)
- adr
- geo
- hAtom
- hResume
- hReview - hreview creator
- rel-directory
- rel-enclosure
- rel-home
- rel-payment
- Robots Exclusion
- xFolk
Design patterns are common uses of markup across microformats.
- abbr-design-pattern
- class-design-pattern
- date-design-pattern
- datetime-design-pattern
- include-pattern
- value-class-pattern
- rel-design-pattern
根据微格式流程:现实范例的研究与分析、现有格式以及推动微格式发展的“脑力激荡”。 请在添加新格式前查阅遭拒绝的格式。
- alternates alternates brainstorming, alternates examples
- attention
- audio-info (examples, formats, brainstorming, proposal) - Marking up information and metadata related to audio (speech, music, and sound in general). new!
- blog description blog description examples
- blog info blog info examples
- blog post examples, blog post formats, and blog post brainstorming (yielded the hAtom draft)
- book book examples, book formats, and book brainstorming
- chat chat examples, chat formats, and chat brainstorming
- citation citation effort, citation examples, citation formats, citation brainstorming, and citation FAQ
- code code examples, code brainstorming new!
- comment comment problem, comment examples, and comment formats (Some stuff needs to be extracted from comments-formats)
- collection description - for describing collections in libraries new!
- course-catalog; course-catalog-examples new!
- currency; currency-examples; currency-brainstorming; currency-proposal; currency-issues
- depend-examples: examples of dependency graphs, especially as they relate to software new!
- digital-signatures: incorporation of digital signatures in Microformatted data; (digital-signature examples, digital-signatures brainstorming) new!
- directions directions examples new!
- directory inclusion directory inclusion examples, directory inclusion formats. (see also rel-directory)
- distributed conversation distributed conversation overview, distributed conversation brainstorming, distributed conversation examples, and distributed conversation formats
- error messages error message examples, error message brainstorming
- forms forms examples
- file-format (examples, formats, brainstorming) - for the mark-up of file format information (size, type, codecs, bitrate, etc.) new!
- genealogy genealogy exploration
- geo extensions
- geo-extension-strawman - extend geo for moons, other planets, etc.
- geo-elevation-examples - extend geo for representing altitude new!
- geo-waypoint-examples - extend geo for representing routes and boundaries, using waypoints new!
- group group brainstorming and group examples
- grouping (examples, formats, brainstorming, proposal) - Metadata markup of items that should be grouped together. new!
- items items brainstorming and items examples
- hash hash examples
- job listing job listing examples and job listing brainstorming
- last modified last modified examples, last modified formats, and last modified brainstorming
- hListing hListing proposal, and hListing feedback
- Also, listing examples, formats, and brainstorming
- hProduct - hProduct brainstorming | hProduct examples
- hToDo
- location location formats. (see also adr and geo)
- measures and measurement units measure
- media-info (media-info examples, media-info formats, media-info brainstorming) updated!
- meeting minutes meeting minutes examples, meeting minutes formats, and meeting minutes brainstorming
- metalink metalink examples new!
- microsummary microsummary brainstorming
- MFO examples
- music music examples updated!
- news news examples new!
- operating-hours: operating-hours-examples ..of stores, restaurants, etc. updated!
- payment
- photo note photo note examples
- question-answer, question-answer-brainstorming; question-answer-examples new!
- receipt (examples, formats, brainstorming, proposal) - Marking up information and metadata related to purchase receipts. new!
- recipe recipe examples, recipe-brainstorming updated!
- rel-product rel-product brainstorming
- requirements testing requirements testing overview, and requirements testing examples
- REST examples
- resume resume brainstorming, and resume formats
- review review examples, and review formats (yielded the hReview draft)
- search results search results example
- show show brainstorming
- showroll brainstorming
- species - for the marking up of the scientific names of living things: species-examples; species-brainstorming updated!
- table examples
- tagspeak tagspeak examples
- tagcloud tagcloud examples, and tagcloud brainstorming.
- transit table transit table examples
- uid
- widget widget examples, and widget brainstorming
- wiki formats
- work of art work of art overview, work of art examples, work of art formats, and work of art brainstorming
- XMDP brainstorming (see also xmdp-faq)
- realestate-propertydetail brainstorming
- accessibility
- faqs-for-rdf
- icalendar-implementations
- internationalization
- parsing-microformats
- selected-test-cases-from-the-web
- Source code repository -- HowTo: Download code from the repository
- vcard-implementations, vcard-errata, vcard-suggestions
- why-are-content-standards-hard
- Profile examples, in the wild
- events
- cheatsheets are handy if you need a quick reminder about a particular microformat.
- spread-microformats
- buttons
- icons
- demo - a page with links for quickly demonstrating microformats working in practice.
- Semacode
- jobs
- user-interface
- shortcuts to wiki pages with long names
- marked-for-deletion
- spell-check dictionary
- to-do
- microformats-issues - issues related to more than one microformat.
- external-issues
- 超过100篇文章的微格式维基语言版本:
- 超过10篇文章的微格式维基语言版本:
- 超过2篇文章的微格式维基语言版本:
- 其他
- 维基百科关于微格式的文章 也有若干语言的翻译版本。